Use Form Publisher with new Google Sheets / Google Docs templates

Post date: Sep 15, 2015 1:27:2 PM

At the beginning of September, it was a nice surprise when Google released various Google Sheets and Google Docs templates. We quickly took a look at the different templates, to see which ones could be useful to users while using our Google Forms add-on, Form Publisher.

In the end, we selected 6 of them that we have found helpful for different workflows.

We’re always trying to display relevant use cases and examples to give you ideas about how to make the best out of our add-ons, so here are a few examples of what’s possible by combining Form Publisher to those new templates.

Google Sheets Templates

The expense report: the expense report can be integrated into any company’s human resources workflow. Employees just have to submit a form at the end of each month to collect expense data and you can use the template to display the result in a functional way for you to work with.

See the Expense Report in full view

The purchase order: the purchase order is one of the first documents of a purchasing workflow: use Form Publisher to have clients purchase what they want from a list of products and automatically send them a purchase order recap in PDF. You can also combine Form Publisher to our add-on for mail merge Yet Another Mail Merge to send a personalized email to your clients.

See the Purchase Order in full view

The invoice: a good use for this template is making your invoice process safer: in a company, people will be able to complete forms that will generate the invoice, and the original template sheet with calculations will remain secure: no chance of overwriting or deleting data. Form Publisher will create the necessary PDF or Sheet exports and automatically send the generated files, ensuring you a smooth workflow. You can also read about how we managed to do an automated invoice workflow using Form Publisher, Yet Another Mail Merge and Awesome Table.

See the Invoice in full view

Google Docs Templates

The project proposal: Google now provides us with 3 different project proposal templates. You can offer potential clients (for companies) or candidates to subsidies (for Government or Education entities) the possibility to complete a form with their project information and automatically send a neatly laid out recap to the form respondent and targeted staff.

See the Project Proposal in full view

Using Google templates and Form Publisher

To begin using these templates, simply go to or and open one of the templates cited above or open the examples we made available to you just above. If you need help using templates with Form Publisher, you can watch our tutorial about how to create personalized files upon form submission.

See related files for our examples:

Expense Report

Purchase order


Project Proposal