Cub Scouts Can Code

DAY 1– Create a timeline of important dates and photos of different computer designs.

DAY 2 - Watch or read One hour about Computers or Programing (Something to get you started: Make a list of 2 questions or topics from watching or reading to share with your NOVA counselor/cubmaster

DAY 3 – Make a list of 10 things in your house that use computers

DAY 4 – Define what a computer is and talk with an adult about how computers have changed over time.

DAY 5 – Be a programmer: spend at least one hour coding and debugging. There are many free applications: One option is Tynker

DAY 6 – Use playing cards to create a conditional game. Each card suite and value should have an action to do. Example: For a 5, clap your hands over your head. For a heart, hop on one foot, etc. Mix up your cards and practice playing on your own. Teach your game and conditions to another person.

DAY 7 – Research how computers use condition statements. Discuss with your counselor how computers affect your everyday life, and how they work.

Please DON'T feel like you MUST do all of these in order, or on these exact days, or do them at all! I just wanted to give this out as a option for those who might want to give it a go!