1-2-3 Go!

NOVA at Home - 1-2-3 Go! – NOVA

DAY 1 –

Watch an episode(s) or read about (one hour total) a topic that involves math or physics. Some Options: https://www.pbs.org/video/science-trek-force-and-motion/ (28 minutes) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT4n3dzkG3w (28 minutes) or shows found on PBS ("NOVA"), Discovery Channel, Science Channel, National Geographic Channel, TED Talks (online videos), and the History Channel.

Make a list of 2 questions or topics from watching or reading to share with your NOVA counselor

DAY 2 -

Conduct an opinion survey through which you collect data to answer a question and then show your results with a chart or graph. For example, what is the favorite food (chart how many like pizza, what type of pizza toppings, how many like cookies, what type of cookies, etc.).

Think about asking family members. Maybe even give extended family members a call. You can use social media to help with this as well. If you are doing a distance learning call with classmates, ask them?

DAY 3 –

Conduct and keep a record of a coin toss probability experiment. Keep track of at least 25 tosses.

DAY 4 –

Calculate the volume of air in your bedroom. Make sure your measurements have the same units—all feet or all inches—and show your work.

Volume = Length × Width × Height

DAY 5 –

Design a secret code or cipher. A video of a fun example to try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzos93oLmbI

Write a message in your code or cipher and then share it with your counselor (email or through your packs preferred method of communication).

DAY 6 – Calculate the height of your house or apartment building.

DAY 7 – Discuss with your counselor how math plays a part in your everyday life.

Please DON'T feel like you MUST do all of these in order, or on these exact days, or do them at all! I just wanted to give this out as a option for those who might want to give it a go!