Gslew Help

Gslew Help

Gesture slewing provides the ability to slew the scope with single finger drag gestures on the device screen. Dragging left slews left, dragging right slews right, dragging up slews up and dragging down slews down. The Gslew (gesture slew) function is on the "flip" side of the Slew tab, and is accessed by pressing the Gslew button in the upper right corner of the Slew tab.

Gesture Slew Box

The active area for slew gestures is a black rectangle in the upper portion of the Gslew tab. Gestures must start and stop within this box. Slewing starts when a drag gesture is performed in the appropriate direction, and ends when the finger is lifted from the box. It is possible to chain several directional slews together by dragging in one direction and then another without lifting the finger.

Note: In the unlikely event of a runaway slew, a double tap gesture on the box will perform an emergency stop command. Although rare, because of the slow processor and communications in the LX200 scopes, it is possible the scope could miss an "end slew" command from SB. Always be alert to this possibility.

Slew Speed Control

Below the active gesture rectangle is a 9 segment control for changing slew speed. Pressing one of the segment buttons changes the scope's slew speed to the number on the button, which corresponds to the same numeric speed set by the Slew Speed hot button (Key 1) on the real Autostar II. There are no scope commands to allow SB to determine the current scope slew speed, so under certain conditions, such as dropped communications link or scope restart, the selected Slew Speed button may not correspond to the actual scope speed. Pressing a speed button will reestablish the correspondence.

Horizontal and Vertical Slew Reverse Switches

Two switches at the bottom of the tab provide the ability to reverse slew directions for the appropriate buttons. The switch on the left reverses direction for left and right slews. For H-Direct, left slews left and right slews right. For H-Rev left slews right and right slews left. The switch on the right reverses direction for up and down slews. For V-Direct, up slews up and down slews down. For V-Rev, up slews down and down slews up. These reverse switches can be useful for improving convenience when slewing with different optical systems - finders, diagonals, etc.

Real Time Coordinate Display

In the upper left corner of the tab is a small, two-line display that updates current scope coordinates. Tapping the display will toggle between RA/Dec and Alt/Az coordinates. The additional load on the scope when outputting frequent coordinate updates can interfere with slew commands, making them sluggish or erratic. Therefore, this live update can be set to default to on or off in Preferences. In addition, they can be temporarily toggled off or on by tapping the Manual Slew title at the top of the tab.