6) National Guard Patriotism

The Right To Bear Arms

The purpose of having a National Guard has changed since the American Revolution. American minuteman having the right to bear arms against their oppressors, has given way to more reserve supplements for full-time active duty career soldiers. Many less formal organic civilian aspects of our origins have been lost, along with many potential freedoms along the way. Wars since the Revolution have increasingly become more commercialized, and therefore more dubious.

The U.S. National Guard militia is authorized by the Constitution for State and Federal roles. Articles and Amendments provide that Congress shall have the power to call forth “the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions.” Under State jurisdiction the Guard is used by governors to quell regional disturbances; as in the 1967 Newark & Detroit riots, Kent State, and the Coal Miner Wars of West Virginia. I object to the general use of military force on protestors for moral, ethical, and patriotic reasons.

In times of War or other emergencies the National Guard is absorbed into the Active Duty Service of the United States and the President Commander-in-chief. I also object to the mandatory use of the National Guard for the promotion of Wars. This use of National Guard misuses the very title of ‘National Guard’ and our right to a civilian militia service. In times of natural disasters, such as floods and hurricanes, and engineering emergencies; our forces are badly understaffed because of the conscientious support of War.

Through congressional and presidential order, the National Guard can be called into the service of the regular Active Duty armed forces. The fact that there is no independent militia that can defend the people against its government is greatly disturbing, and cannot be in keeping with the will of the majority of our Founding Fathers. The only Founding Father that supported a Federal Monarchy was Hamilton. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others like Benjamin Franklin never intended dictatorial powers. They were not perfect, and within their lifetime realized the complexity of government and were often compelled to contradict their original intentions of liberty. Despite their human failings, I cannot accept that they would support Military or Corporate Tyranny.

Prior to the attacks against the United States on September 11th, 2001, the National Guard policy regarding deployment was that guardsmen would be required to serve no more than six months over seas at any time. Due to strains placed on active duty units following the attacks, the possible deployment time was increased to 18 months. Additional strains placed on military units as a result of the invasion of Iraq further increased the amount of time a guardsmen could be deployed to 24 months.

Military and conservative cultures have encouraged prejudice rules against race, gender, class, and even a person’s dress and hair styles. I despise such irrational judgments and will always resist them. Perhaps the National Guard will someday allow civilians their individual rights and their right to serve simultaneously.