Sauna/Fire Pit

Yes the Saratoga Swim Club has a Sauna and Fire pit.  But there are definite rules on who can use the sauna and how it is used.  The fire pit is open to all, but only members who are 21 or older should be starting a fire. This page describes the sauna and cold shower, and describes the rules, roles and responsibility required to use the Sauna.

The Sauna

The Saratoga Swim Club now has a Canadian Timber Georgian Sauna made by Leisurecraft from Eastern White Cedar.  It can easily fit 6 people, the documentation says it can fit 8 but that might be tight.  There are three benches, two near the floor in an L shape, and a second higher bench on the back wall. There is a thermometer (above the door) and a sand-timer (above the window).  You can also see a wood burning stove/heater to the right looking towards the door.

The Sauna Cold Shower

The sauna also has a cold shower (no hot water).  This allows users of the sauna to cool off quickly and re-enter the sauna, or if you have been in the pool, to wash the CL off you before entering the sauna.  

The shower has a lever to turn on; if water does not flow, then you need to turn the water on at the hose bib.  There are two valves as you stand at the hose bib looking at the sauna; the valve on the right turns on water to the shower.

Why All The Rules

Notice that black metal object?  That is the Sauna heater, and to heat the sauna you must light a fire in the firebox.  Note the sauna is made from Canadian white cedar. That's wood.  Wood burns.  

See all of the shiny metal parts on the heater? When the heater is heating the sauna, all of the metal bits become very, very hot. So hot it will burn you; badly.

Hence all of these rules are to prevent the sauna from burning down AND prevent our members from getting burned. To ensure this goal is achieved, there will be harsh punishment for violators of the rules.

The Rules

The goal is to prevent anyone from entering the Sauna and getting burned by the sauna's heater.

Note: If anyone gets burned or the sauna catches fire, the lifeguard needs to be informed immediately.

Lighting the Heater

Fire Pit

The Saratoga Swim Club also has a fire pit (Yukon Solo Stove) which is nice for warming up during the cool evenings. The firepit has a spark arrester, which should be used at all times. Around the firepit you should find two handles to lift the top of the spark arrester off (to add wood or start a fire, and a poker used to move burning logs around. There is also a bucket and shovel that can be used to remove the ash from the firepit (only remove ash when the firepit has cooled).