Welcome to Saratoga Swim Club!
Operating Hours
Weekdays Weekends
Spring (5/17-6/2) Fri 5-8:30pm 1-8:30pm
Summer (6/7-8/12) 1-8:30pm 1-8:30pm
Fall (8/13-10/6) 5:00-8:00* 3-8:00*
*Pool will close 30 minutes early If no members are present.
Membership Invoices:
Invoices are sent to members via email after May 1st.
Use of the club facilities:
Members are welcome to drop in at any time during normal operating hours. No reservations are required.
Current paid members may enjoy use of the facilities
Guests: Each membership household may bring up to ten (10) guests per week from Sunday-Saturday. There is a $5/guest fee for guests after the first five and will be billed post In postseason.
Members may drop off children age 10 & older. Member children age 13-15 may be dropped off with one guest (age 13+). Member children age 16+ may bring up to 5 guests.
Bathrooms, kitchen, cabana will be open. Please try to limit these indoor spaces to one person at a time. Please no lounging in the clubhouse.
Swimmers should bring all of their own training equipment (goggles, kick boards) and toys and take them when they leave
Saratoga Swim Club
20017 Bella Vista Ave, Saratoga CA 95070
Accepting new members May1 - Sept 30
Contact Erin Gavin
Membership Director
We are a non-profit organization of 75 families from the surrounding Saratoga neighborhood and beyond.
We enjoy pool use from mid-May through mid-October
in a quiet, neighborhood setting.
Our facility offers a heated pool and spa, barbeque grill, basketball courts, ping-pong table, a large grass field.
“Saratoga Swim Club offers more than a pool --it’s a community feeling.”
-Saratoga News
Members may use the kitchen
Dry off before entering the cabana
Welcome Back to the pool!
Saratoga Swim Club
20017 Bella Vista Avenue,
Saratoga, CA 95070