2013-6 June

2013-7 June


Milt Peddy, Pat Nakashima, Rick Aning, Jose da Silva, Cary Catching, Jer Soriano, Helen Garza, Pat Mark, Barbara Peddy, Brian Russell, Maria Sabin-Halonen, Christina Castro, Sylvia Guzman, Reiko Takao, Virginia Panlasigui, Armi Costello, Yolanda Guerra, Sherry Menard

Call to order: in the absence of President Vigil, it was done by Vice President Milt Peddy at 6:04 p.m.

Welcome/introductions: Sherry Menard (Miranda) class of '56 in attendance

Agenda additions: none

Approval of minutes:  motion to approve by Pat Mark, Barbara Peddy seconded; passed

Treasurer's report:  none as treasurer was not present, but Milt reminded the board that CPA recommended hiring someone to be bookkeeper for the Bulldog Foundation.

Principal's report: Cary

Tomorrow in the SJ Mercury News, there will be a story featuring SJHS and well-known alums.  Article is by Joe Rodriguez and pictures by Josie Lepe, alumna.  Graduation is on Thursday at San Jose Rose Garden.  She also announced that Yolanda Guerra will be joining the staff next year.

Old business: Update on 150th events: Reiko

-Bulldog hats are now at the school.  Pat Nakashima and Reiko went to pick them up at the port in Alameda.  Reiko went to a meeting of the Centennial class on Saturday.  She has more flyers if people need them.  Reiko also said that Josie has offered to take photos if she knows ahead of time.

-June 15:  Historical marker

The dedication of the historical marker is at 10 a.m.  Cary said that the installation materials will be brought in on Friday.  Helen Garza will contact KNBC person; Milt will talk to him about publicizing the installation.   Rick will see about contacting other people in publicity.

-July 29: Golf tournament

No new information about the golf tournament but Reiko reminded board members that volunteers are still needed.

-September 23:  The parade and bbq and open house

Rick and Maria have established a timeline and calendar for float building.  Reiko also mentioned that student clubs might be interesting in selling, but it involves getting permits.  Decision has been made not to involve students in this aspect.  Barbara reminded board of tri tip dinner.

October 11:  Honoring of staff

Cary said that they are looking at a reduced day for that Friday.

-Rock and Roll marathon

Virginia mentioned that she would like registrants to gather before the run for a group picture.

-November 27: Gala dinner/Big Bone bash

Pat Nakashima encouraged the board to sell tickets to the dinner.

-November 28:  Big Bone Game

New Business

-Pat Mark reminded the board that officers must be board members.  Armi Costello was nominated by Pat Mark as a new member.  Maria seconded.  The motion was passed.  Milt suggested that we deal with the number of directors on the board at the retreat. Membership dues are required by July 1st.

We should deal with this discrepancy at the retreat. 

Discussion about membership:  those who paid $250 per year should be designated as life-time members of the Foundation.  These people are Brian Russell, Jose da Silva, Reiko Takao, Pat Nakashima, Rick Aning, Helen and Danny Garza, Mark Briggs.

Cary moved that the current 11 people who are on the board be on the board for 2013-14.  Yolanda seconded.  Motion was passed.

-Election of officers

Milt passed out ballots to board members.  Votes were counted by Yolanda Guerra and Christina Castro.  Milt announced the new officers and all candidates were unanimously elected:

President-Pat Mark

Vice President-Milt Peddy

Secretary-Armi Costello

Treasurer-Virginia Panlasigui

-Pat Mark has prepared a calendar for the coming year.  He also suggested some topics for discussion at the retreat.


Cary's home on July 9 from 2-6 p.m.  It will be a pot luck and Cary and Steve will provide the main course with everyone else bringing something to share.

Announcements:  none

Adjournment:  Milt adjourned the meeting at 7:13 p.m.