2012-9 November

Motion to approve minutes and seconded; motion passed.

Motion to approve treasurer's report and seconded; motion passed.

Principal's report:

Little Bone Game upcoming at SJHS.

Big Bone Ball will be at SJHS.

Big Bone Game tickets are now on sale.

150th Committee report:

Bulldog hats arrived and priced at $10.00 with 500 hats in inventory.

Remote credit card charging services to be investigated.

Possibility of 150th T-shirt

Need to improve marketing for 150th events with a phone tree, flyers, one on one connections.

Alumni Cards proposed:

Foundation to review proposal and return with input.

Collect responses to proposal at December  Foundation meeting.

Hall of Fame for A Hall proposed.

ASB card/yearbook raffle:

Redraw of winning tickets done.

Prizes are left with MR. Soriano for distribution.