2012-10 December

San Jose High Bulldog Foundation – December 4, 2012 meeting

Present:  Bill Kleidon, Rick Aning, Jer Soriano, Brian Russell, Reiko Takao, Milt Peddy (Vice President),Barbara Peddy, Linda Lima, Maria Sabin-Halonen, Patrick Vigil (President), Christina Castro, Cary Catching, Sylvia Guzman, Pat Mark, Jose da Silva, Kent Goodman, Rosemarie Domingo, Onofre Ramirez, Martin Anaya, Pat Nakashima (Secretary). Absent: Socorro Vigil (Treasurer)

Meeting called to order at 6:04 p.m. by President Patrick Vigil.

Minutes – Pat Mark moved, Cary seconded; minutes approved.


Treasurer’s report – hardcopy passed out. Discussion about bank fees. Patrick explained that a second account was opened to put IB money in, separate from our original account. He has been trying to get an answer from the bank about the $5 monthly fee that is being charged to account.  Brian offered to call bank to see about resolving this issue.  Pat M. moved, Milt seconded. Treasurer’s report approved.

Principal’s report – Next Thursday, at Board meeting, board is declaring 2013 the “Year of San Jose High.” Cary invited any interested to attend the board meeting. She gave a run-down on the rest of year’s activities. Cary also reported that the “Big Bone Game” won the rivalry for California (USA Today contest)!

Proclamation – the one to the city was misplaced; but we now have copy.

150th Celebration – Reiko reported on luncheon. Kent Goodman said that there are 165 confirmed tickets. Big Bone Bash and Big Bone Game sales of bulldog hats were very successful – 2 whole boxes sold. Cary said there are probably fewer than 200 left. Reiko asked that Bulldog Foundation members act as “hospitality committee” at luncheon.

No report from Alumni Association.

Patrick asked if there were any responses to the proposed alumni card. Milt asked for review of proposal:    3 different price groups - Red card ($150) – admission to all games at SJHS; Gold card ($100) – admission to all football games; Silver card ($75) – admission to all basketball games at SJHS. Cary pointed out that the $75 card actually allows more entry to games than the Gold card. She suggested that perhaps other activities could be included in the admission. Gate fees would be given to the student body account. Cary asked what would happen to the rest of the money. Patrick said the conversation had not yet reached that point. Committee will continue discussion about this proposal next Tuesday.

Reiko asked if there were plans for a membership campaign. Patrick said he did not have such plans at this time.

Pat Mark – handed out a brochure from the Marines’ Memorial Club & Hotel (in San Francisco). He suggested using a weekend “package” as a silent auction item at an event – at the January luncheon, for example. Reiko and Kent felt that the program for the luncheon is pretty full and it would not be feasible at that  time.

Bulldog Foundation membership fee covers the fiscal year – July through June.

Rick asked about reviewing the calendar of proposed activities for 2013.

Milt moved, Pat M seconded; adjournment approved at 7:05 p.m.

Submitted by Pat Nakashima, Secretary