Industrial Organization

    "Tying in Two-Sided Markets with Heterogeneous Advertising Revenues and Negative Pricing" (with Jong-Hee Hahn and So Hye Yoon), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 32(4), 2023, 757-787.

    "On the Profitability of Interfirm Bundling in Oligopolies" (with Jong-Hee Hahn), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 31(3), 2022, 657-673.

    "Fishy Labeling: Inter-regional Inequality of Truthful Product Information" (with Hao Lan), Contemporary Economic Policy, 39(4), 2021, 831–848.

    "Identifying Price-Leadership Structures in Oligopoly" (with Paul Dobson and Hao Lan), Oxford Economic Papers, 73(1), 2021, 350–370,  Online_Appendix.

    "Price Discrimination with Loss Averse Consumers" (with Jong-Hee Hahn, Jinwoo Kim and Jihong Lee), Economic Theory, 65(3), 2018, 681-728.

    "Interfirm Bundled Discounts as a Collusive Device" (with Jong-Hee Hahn), Journal of Industrial Economics, 64(2), 2016, 255-276.

    "Optimal Compatibility in Systems Markets" (with Jay Pil Choi), Games and Economic Behavior, 90, 2015, 106-118. previous version.

    "Mix-and-Match Compatibility in Asymmetric System Markets", (with Jong-Hee Hahn) Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 168(2), 2012, 311-338. 


    "The Central Influencer Theorem: Spatial Voting Contests with Endogenous Coalition Formation" (with Subhasish M. Chowdhury).

    "Multilateral Bargaining with Proposer Selection Contest" (with Duk Gyoo Kim), Canadian Journal of Economics, 55(1), 2022, 38-73.

    "Endowment Effects in Proposal Right Contest" (with Youjin Hahn and Chulyoung Kim), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 177, 2021, 449-476.

    "Small, yet Beautiful: Revisiting the Optimal Design of Multi-winner Contests" (with Subhasish M. Chowdhury), Games and Economic Behavior, 104, 2017, 486–493.

    "A Note on Multi-winner Contest Mechanisms" (with Subhasish M. Chowdhury), Economics Letters, 125(3), 2014, 357-359.

Political Economy

    "Transitive Delegation in Social Networks: Theory and Experiment", European Journal of Political Economy, 82, 2024, 102531.

    "Attention and Political Polarization".

    "On the Optimal Social Contract: Agency Costs of Self-Government", Journal of Comparative Economics, 44, 2016, 982-1001.


Preference and Norm

    "Understanding Precautionary Behavior in the Time of COVID-19" (with SeEun Jung), Korean Economic Review, 38, 2022, 251-283.

    "Gender Differences in Repeated Dishonest Behavior: Experimental Evidence" (with Subhasish M. Chowdhury, Joo Young Jeon and Chulyoung Kim), Games, 12, 2021. 

    "Pre-planning and its Effects on Repeated Dishonest Behavior: An Experiment" (with Subhasish M. Chowdhury and Chulyoung Kim), Bulletin of Economic Research, 73, 2021, 143-153.

    "Social Image or Social Norm?: Re-examining the Audience Effect in Dictator Game Experiments" (with Chulyoung Kim), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 79, 2019, 70-78.

    "In-group and Out-group Biases in the Marketplace: A Field Experiment during the World Cup" (with Fernanda L. L. de Leon), Oxford Economic Papers, 71(3), 2019, 528–547.

Other Experiments

    "Auctions with Externalities: An Experimental Study" (with Chulyoung Kim, Jinhyuk Lee, and Jaeok Park).

    "Performance Feedback with Team Incentive: A Field Experiment in Chinese Factories" (with Meng Li), Global Economic Review, 51(3), 2022, 216-231.

    "Strategic Alliances in a Veto Game: An Experimental Study" (with Chulyoung Kim, Jinhyuk Lee, and Joosung Lee), European Journal of Political Economy, 75, 2022.

    "Exoneree Compensation and Endogenous Plea Bargaining: Theory and Experiment" (with Chulyoung Kim), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 177, 2021, 28-55.

International Economics

    "Tax Competition under Imperfect Labor Market" (with Sangwha Shin), Korean Economic Review, 38, 2022, 141-166.