Jihong Lee
Professor, Department of Economics, Seoul National University
PhD, MPhil and BA in Economics, Trinity College, University of Cambridge
Email: jihonglee at snu.ac.kr, Tel: +82 2 880 6360
Research Interests
Game Theory and Mechanism Design
Industrial Organization
Economics of Innovation
Working Papers
Merger and Entry Dynamics with Learning (with Y Gueron) revised
Horizontal Mergers and Innovation with Knowledge Spillovers (with C Hwangbo) revised
Repeated Implementation with Incomplete Information (with H Sabourian)
Selected Publications (대표 연구)
Taxation and Durable Goods Monopoly, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2023 (with C Kwak)
Learning by Selling, Knowledge Spillovers, and Patents, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2022 (with Y Gueron)
Gambling Reputation: Repeated Bargaining with Outside Options, Econometrica, 2013 (with Q Liu) [Supplementary Material]
Efficient Repeated Implementation, Econometrica, 2011 (with H Sabourian) [Supplementary Material]
Coase Theorem, Complexity and Transaction Costs, Journal of Economic Theory, 2007 (with H Sabourian)