Interactive Map of Somerset Post Offices

The markers on the map can be filtered three different ways (in combination if desired):

The display will automatically zoom to show whatever offices need to be displayed - check the "Static Zoom" check box to freeze the zoom level. Uncheck it to allow automatic zoom.

Click on any of the markers, or on the underlined links in the right-hand side-bar, to display details on an office.

Please email any corrections or suggestions.

The County boundaries (with the exception of the City of Bristol) are from "The Historic County Borders Project".

"The primary source data for the borders of the historic counties of Great Britain shall be that obtained by the Ordnance Survey during its first national survey of Great Britain and presented on the resultant First Edition 1:2500 and 1:10560 maps"  [c. 1891].

The boundary for the City of Bristol is taken from an Ordnance Survey map of 1832, surrounded by the current administrative area.

The Post Office data for the map is taken from Ken Smith's list of offices - see here.

PT Post Town

RH Receiv -ing House

SO Sub Office

TSO Town Sub Office

RSO Rail-way Sub Office

SO-R RSO Sub Office