Membership and Officers

The annual membership subscription is £ 10-00.

We meet twice a year at Hornsbury Mill, Chard in March and October, where we are entertained by guest speakers and members’ displays of Somerset & Dorset postal history, as well as on broader aspects of postal history.  There is a charge of about £40 for attendence at a meeting, to cover a good lunch and the hire of the room.

The Group publishes a Journal twice a year, to coincide with the meetings in Chard; this is sent free to members.  It contains illustrated articles, research and new discoveries, on all aspects of postal history with particular reference to the counties of Somerset and Dorset.  Back copies of most of the Journals are also available.

The Group also publishes two Newsletters a year for more ephemeral news and Group matters.

We are always pleased to welcome new members and visitors to our Group and Meetings.