
The following password-protected downloads of work-in-progress are only available to members of the Somerset & Dorset Postal History Group (see Membership if you'd like to join the Group).  

Some of these files are quite large so members should consider right-clicking and selecting "Save Target as ..." or "Save Link as ..." to download onto their computer before opening from your hard drive (eg. via Windows Explorer or from a shortcut on your Desktop).  The password prompt will not happen until after the file is fully downloaded and is being opened.

Any member wanting to know the password should e-mail here.

The files are stored as PDF files, so you need Adobe Reader installed to view them. Internet Explorer can give problems viewing PDF files if you are running a 64-bit computer, as the Adobe reader is only 32-bit (symptom is that you just get a blank screen when trying to view a link). This is because Internet Explorer refuses to use the 32-bit reader unless the "Enable Protected Mode" checkbox in the Tools-Internet Options-Security tab is deselected.  If you deselect this checkbox it will warn that this puts your computer at risk - if this concerns you then either download the files to your hard drive and view them from there (see above) or use a different browser (Firefox and Chrome work OK).