Group Journal

The Group publishes a Journal twice a year, to coincide with the meetings in Chard; this is sent free to members. It contains illustrated articles, research and new discoveries, on all aspects of postal history with particular reference to the counties of Somerset and Dorset.

An example article on the Chard Penny Post is available here. Recent copies of the Journal are available on the Downloads page, password protected in the usual manner.

Cumulative Table-of-Contents to the Journals

Back copies of most of the Journals are also available, the first 1 to 3 at £2-50 each, the 4th to 10th at £1-80 each, any more at £1-50 each, and where still available can be obtained from the Group’s Librarian.

Postage and Packing is extra.

Wot, no proper index ? Specialised indexing software is expensive (c. $500). Whilst word processing software such as MS Word can produce indexes of their own documents, it is not at all obvious how one could use them to create an index for a pile of paper documents.

Members of other Postal History societies may view the Journals by mutual arrangement, see here.