
Glossary of Japanese Words (in order of appearance in the poem, “Ro-Buki in Rhyme”)

Blowing Zen, or, Suizen a Zen practice using the vertically-played, end-blown, five-hole, Japanese shakuhachi flute.

Shakuhachi Japanese bamboo flute (hōki) used for suizen meditation.

Hōki — Literally “tool of the dharma” ; sacred tool. The Shakuhachi was considered as hōki, and not as a musical instrument.

Dharma — “truth" … In the Zen tradition, usually refers to some aspect of the true nature of reality, to the emptiness which is the essence of phenomena.

Ro Ro is the first note on a shakuhachi, with all five finger holes closed.

Ro-Buki “Buki” is “to blow”. Therefore “Ro-buki” is the practice of “blowing Ro”. In a single sound there is (already) enlightenment. Practicing shakuhachi sui-zen is one of many ways to realize this truth.

Shakuhachi Yuu — A plastic Shakuhachi recommended for beginners to learn to blow suizen. Yuu means at ease, calm, serene, composed.

Shunya the name I gave my Shakuhachi Yuu. Shunya is short for Shunyata, meaning zero, nothing, empty or void. Shunya comes from the root śvi, meaning hollow … as in a hollow bamboo flute.

Shunyata — tenet that "all things are empty of intrinsic existence”

Komuso Wandering monks of emptiness who played the Shakuhachi. (Ko: emptiness, mu: nothingness, so: monk or priest)

Fuke Zen Sect an offshoot of Rinzai Zen during Japan's feudal era, lasting from the 13th century until the late 19th century, to which Komuso monks belonged.

Meiji Restoration political revolution in Japan in 1868 that ended the Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603–1867)—and returned control direct imperial rule

Honkyoku — "original pieces" of shakuhachi music played by mendicant Japanese Zen monks called Komusō.

Kyorei “empty formalities”; oldest known Honkyoku piece back to 12th century

Zazen — sitting meditation to give insight into the nature of existence

Tengai — straw basket worn on heads of Komusō monks, manifesting absence of ego

Shugyo — the deepest spiritual training possible, a deep body-mind training

Ganbatte — Do your best!