Gerald Heard Bibliography 1900-1978

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This bibliography (compiled in 1978) is the preliminary work toward a comprehensive bibliography of works by and about Gerald Heard. It is fairly extensive. Due to the fact that Heard's work falls comfortably inside the pre-digital age, the bibliographic work was done manually, in libraries. To my knowledge no one has published a comprehensive Gerald Heard bibliography. Searches of HathiTrust Digital Library and WorldCat in June 2013 (strategy: 'su:heard gerald AND su:bibliography') did not yield any results. The Gerald Heard Official Website contains a brief bibliography of books at

In 1978 Jay Michael Barrie kindly sent me a one-page bibliography which he compiled at the time of Heard's death. Contemporary Authors contained a partial listing of works by and about Gerald Heard. The other items included in this bibliography were found in the sources listed in the DOMAIN. The DOMAIN was searched from 1900-1978 under the headings HEARD, GERALD and HEARD, HENRY FITZGERALD, which are the two names under which works appear. Any exceptions in searching are noted in the DOMAIN by dates following the title of the source.

An attempt was made to be consistent in following an adopted form. There may be typographical errors which were missed during proofreading and the accuracy of the citations taken from sources could only be verified for a small percentage of the items in the DOMAIN. The reader is asked to bear this in mind. Abbreviation of any sort was kept to a minimum. A key has been provided for those abbreviations which were used. A short-title index is included only for works by Gerald Heard. This bibliography is a work in progress and is still incomplete as of June 1, 2020.


1889 Born October 6, London.

1914?-1918? Aide to an attorney during World War I.

1919-1923 Agricultural Co-op Movement, Ireland.

1923-1927 Agricultural Co-op Movement, England.

19??-19?? Educated at Cambridge University, taking his degrees in history and doing post-graduate work in philosophy.

1929-1930 Editor of "The Realist," a monthly of scientific humanism.

1929-1931 Oxford University lecturer.

1930-1945 Science Commentator, British Broadcasting Corporation. Came to the United States, 1937.

1946 Won Ellery Queen Prize.

1951-1952 Visiting lecturer at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.


1955-1956 Bollingen Foundation grant recipient.

1958 Haskell Foundation lecturer, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.

1971 Died in Santa Monica, California, August 14.



Biographical Profile

Key to Abbreviations and Structure

Works by Gerald Heard

Books and Pamphlets

Periodical Articles


Works Appearing in Collections

Works About Gerald Heard

Review of Books

General Reviews and Biographical Sketches



Bibliographic Sources

Organizational Sources

Personal Sources

Suggestions for Further Research

Appendix & Index



Booklist. Booklist and Subscription Books Bulletin.

BRD. Book Review Digest.

Bro. Brothers.

Co. Company.

ed. edition

Kirkus. Bulletin from Virginia Kirkus' Bookshop Service.

Ltd. Limited.

p. page, pages.

(Portrait). Includes a photograph of Gerald Heard.

pseud. pseudonym.

sup. supplement

Survey. Survey Graphic.

w. words.

WIH. Work-in-Hand. (Physical existence verified).

WWI World War One.


WORKS BY GERALD HEARD Books and Pamphlets

Arrangement is chronological. Pagination after annotation refers to an author quote unless specified otherwise.

WORKS BY GERALD HEARD Periodical Articles

Arrangement is chronological. Pagination follows colon.


Arrangement is chronological.

WORKS BY GERALD HEARD Works Appearing in Collections

Arrangement is alphabetical by title of Heard's contribution, then alphabetically by editor of the collection.


Books arranged alphabetically by title. Reviews sub-classed alphabetically by journal titles and by editors of collections in which a review appears.


Books and Pamphlets

1. 1908 The Creed of Buddha. London and New York: J. Lane. 1908. xi,297p.

2. 1924 Narcissus, An Anatomy of Clothes. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd. 1924. 156p. Illustrated.

________. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co. 1924. (To-day and To-morrow Series). 156p. WIH.

________. Norwood, Pennsylvania: Norwood Editions. Reprint of 1924 edition. $8.50

"If, then, we may assume the psychological commonplace that the unperceived is ipso facto the vital, there can be no more striking example of it than the state of our clothes. We have treated them as unimportant, and so it is safe to assume that they are of racial significance." p. 1

3. 1929 The Ascent of Humanity; An Essay on the Evolution of Civilization From Group Consciousness

Through Individuality to Super-Consciousness. London: Jonathan Cape. 1929. xiv,332p.

________. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co. 1929. xiv,332p. WIH.

"Only the recognition that the long trial mankind has endured and the present acute crisis through which we are passing are nothing less than an unremitting progress in human consciousness, can give us the double solution necessary to reconcile at once understanding and conduct, can yield the two essentials without either of which life ceases to be worth living: the re-establishment of the supremacy of value together with the recognition of advance." p.10.

4. 1931 The Emergence of Man. London, Toronto: Jonathan Cape. 1931. 303p. Decorated by William Kermode.

________. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co. 1932.

"A philosophical survey of the whole history of the ascent of man from the days of the pre-historic half-men to the present, emphasizing man's spiritual and psychological development." BRD/1932/p. 432.

5. 1931 Social Substance of Religion: An Essay on the Evolution of Religion. London: Allen & Unwin. 1931. 318p. 2 tables.

________. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.

"In a penetrating general survey, Mr. Heard describes the gradual development of the group-sense and devotion from ape-level to the Quakers. He concludes that only in the advance of religion can be found the solution of the individual's conflict and the salvation of civilization." (Publisher's Note)

6. 1932 This Surprising World: A Journalist Looks at Science. London: Cobden-Sanderson. 1932. 157p.

7. 1934 These Hurrying Years: An Historical Outline 1900-1933. London: Chatto & Windus. 1934. viii,364p.

________. New York: Oxford University Press. 1934. WIH.

________. London: Chatto & Windus. 1941.

"This writer believes that all the outward shocks we have experienced, wars, revolutions, disconcerting discoveries, violent changes in values and ideals, are only symptoms of a vast 'subterranean adjustment' below the ordinary consciousness of the human mind." p.5

8. 1935 Science in the Making. London: Faber and Faber, Ltd. 1935. 267p.

9. 1935 Gerald Heard and Aldous Huxley on Pacifism. London: Headley. 1935. 16p.

Two addresses: Gerald Heard, The Significance of the New Pacifism; Aldous Huxley, Pacifism and Philosophy... Delivered on Nov. 26 and Dec. 3, 1935.

The New Pacifism: Essays by Gerald Heard and others. London: Allenson and Co., Ltd. 1936.

The New Pacifism: Essays by Gerald Heard and others. New York: Garland Publishers. 1972. 127p. Edited by Gerald K. Hibbert. With a new introduction for the Garland edition by Sylvia Straus. Reprint of 1936 edition; issued in series: The Firbank Series. (Garland Library of War and Peace).

10. 1935 The Source of Civilization. London: Jonathan Cape. 1935. 431p.

________. New York and London: Harper & Bro. 1937.

________. London: Jonathan Cape. 1938.

"Mr. Heard's new book ranges over a vast field. Biology, psychology, anthropology, pre-history, ethics -- all these are brought within its scope... It seeks to answer a definite question -- 'How can our civilization escape destruction?' -- and answers 'By transcending our individualities and developing a sense of the oneness of Life." Spectator 156:219 Feb.7, 1936. A review by C. E. M. Joad.

11. 1936 Exploring the Stratosphere. New York and London: T. Nelson and Sons, Ltd. 1936. vii,104p.

(Includes frontispiece, plates, portraits, and diagrams).

"A layman's book telling us how man has learned some of the secrets of the stratosphere and of what value this information may be to us." New York Public Library New Technical Books 21:34 July 1936.

12. 1937 The Third Morality. London and Toronto. Cassell and Co., Ltd. 1937. 318p.

________. New York: W. Morrow & Co. 1937. WIH.

"The writer has been driven to answer three questions: What is the nature of the actual contemporary world we are now in? How should one act in view of that knowledge? How can we get ourselves to so act?" p.1.

13. 1937 Science Front, 1936. London, etc.: Cassell and Co., Ltd. 1937. 122p.

14. 1939 Pain, Sex and Time: A New Outlook on Evolution and the Future of Man.

New York & London: Harper and Bro. 1939. xxii,301p. WIH.

________. New York and London: Harper and Bro. 1939. 2nd ed.

"... all man's specific history may be interpreted as the symptoms of a mental evolution... He might evolve another species, not different in physique and organs but in psyche, in consciousness and faculties. He might obtain to another and further state and stage of being." p.xiv.

15. 1940 The Creed of Christ: An Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer. New York and London: Harper & Bro. 1940. 169p.

_________. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd. 1941.

"Mr. Heard here treats the Lord's Prayer as 'the seminal nucleus of a true religion'." Christian Century. 57:1616 Dec. 25, 1940. A review by Graham Hunter.

16. 1940 Force That Is Not Violence. Thorpeness: A. R. Fry. 1940. 7p. (Reprinted from the Christian Century).

17. 1940 A Quaker Mutation. Wallingford, Pennsylvania: Pendle Hill. 1940. 49p. (Pendle Hill Pamphlet, 7). WIH.

18. 1941 Training for the Life of the Spirit. London: Cassell and Co. 1941. Pamphlet 1: 64p. Pamphlet 2: 61p.

________. London: Cassell and Co., Ltd. 1942. 95p.

________. New York: Harper & Bro. 1942. WIH.

________. Hankins, New York: Strength Books; distributed by Steinerbooks: Blauvelt, New York. 1975. 189p. Includes portraits.

________. Hankins, New York: East Ridge Press; distributed by Steinerbooks: Blauvelt, New York. 1976. Illustrated.

________. New York: Multimedia Publishing Corp. (Steinerbooks). 1978(?). Paperback.

19. 1941 The Code of Christ: An Interpretation of the Beatitudes. New York and London: Harper & Bro. 1941. xxi,177p. WIH.

________. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd. 1943.

"The purpose is to show the biological rightness of the teaching given in the Beatitudes and to show how accurately they express the deep insight Jesus had into human nature and its workings." Churchman. 155:34. April 15, 1941. Review by H. J. S.

20. 1941 A Taste for Honey. New York: Vanguard Press. 1941. 234p.

________. New York: Avon Books. 1946. (On cover: New Avon Library, 108).

________. New York: Lancer Books. 1964. (Lancer Suspense Library, 72-752).

________. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books. 1961. 155p. (Penguin Books, no. 1624).

"Slow-moving, whimsical, somewhat weightily allusive, this (detective story) is definitely caviar to the general; in a sense it may be called a bookman's book." New York Times Book Review. Sept. 14, 1941. p.20.

21. 1941 Man, The Master. New York and London: Harper & Bro. 1941. xix,334p. WIH.

________. London: Faber and Faber. 1942.

22. 1942 A Dialogue in the Desert. London: Cassell and Co., Ltd. 1942.

"In dialog form presents the issues with which Jesus struggled during the forty days in the wilderness. The second voice represents the temptations which assailed him during his fast." BRD/1942/p.346.

23. 1942 Murder by Reflection. New York: Vanguard Press. 1942. 283p.

Asesinato por Reflección. Buenos Aires: Emece. 1949. 244p. (El Séptimo Círculo, 56). Traducción de A. Horowitz. Translation of Murder by Reflection.

"Past and present, reality and fantasy, are blent [sic] into a somewhat esoteric tale. Erudite." Saturday Review of Literature. 25:41. Oct.24, 1942.

24. 1942 Reply Paid, A Mystery. New York: Vanguard Press. 1942. 274p.

________. London: Cassell and Co., Ltd. 1943.

"A quiet and scholarly book recommended for those who like well-constructed plots." New Yorker. 18:72. March 21, 1942.

25. 1944 The Recollection. Stanford University: Grabhorn Press. 1944. 36p.

A limited edition of 200 copies printed privately by James Ladd Delkin.

26. 1944 A Preface to Prayer. New York and London: Harper & Bro. 1944. xvi,250p. Folded tables.

(Includes bibliography of practical work on prayer, p.249-250.)

________. New York: Harper & Bro. 1944. 2nd ed.

________. New York: Harper & Bro. 1944. 3rd ed.

________. London, Toronto, etc. : Cassell and Co. 1945.

"Mr. Heard believes that prayer is not opposed to analytical thought, but is complementary to such thought; that prayer has a social value, integrating the individual with himself, with society and with the universe; that prayer provides a basic philosophy of our society with new, progressive ideals and principles, without which society will die; that prayer is the way, and the only way, in which man's evolution can be continued... The concluding sections provide specific suggestions and techniques that will prove effective." (Publisher's Note).

27. 1944 The Great Fog and Other Weird Tales. New York: Vanguard Press. 1944. 238p.

(Contains: The Crayfish; The Great Fog; Wingless Victory; "Despair deferred...?"; The Swap; Dromenon; The Cat "I Am"; The Rousing of Mr. Bradegar). WIH.

The Great Fog: Weird Tales of Terror and Detection. Garden City, New York: Sun Dial Press. 1946.

The Great Fog and Other Weird Tales. London: Cassell and Co., Ltd. 1947.

"Eight short stories, some of them with supernatural elements, some weird, and one is a straight detective story." BRD/1944/p.333-334.

28. 1945 The Gospel According to Gamaliel. New York and London: Harper & Bro. 1945. xii,154p.

________. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd. 1946.

"The story of Christ's life is told as Gamaliel, the teacher of Paul, might have told it." New York Times Book Review. Jan.6, 1947. p.7.

29. 1946 The Eternal Gospel. New York and London: Harper & Bro. 1946. 234p. (The Ayer Lectures). WIH.

30. 1946 Militarism's Post-Mortem. London: P. P. U. 1946. 7p.

31. 1947 Doppleganger: An Episode of the Fourth, The Psychological Revolution, 1997. New York: Vanguard Press, Inc. 1947. 281p.

________. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd. 1948. 256p.

________. London: SciFi Book Club. 1965.

"A fantastic tale of the future in which two opposing dictatorships fight for supremacy." BRD/1947/p.402.

32. 1948 Is God Evident? An Essay Toward A Natural Theology. New York: Harper & Bro. 1948. xx,254p.

________. London: Faber and Faber. 1950.

"(The author's) purpose here is to examine and evaluate the evidences of God to be found in nature and in life." Kirkus. 16:285. June 15, 1948.

33. 1948 The Lost Cavern, and Other Tales of the Fantastic. New York: Vanguard Press. 1948. 262p.

(Contains: The Lost Cavern; The Cup; The Thaw Plan; The Chapel of Ease).

"Four stories dealing respectively with bat men in a volcanic cavern, the mystery of an antique chalice, the world of the future, and terror in a chapel." BRD/1948/p.369.

34. 1949 The Notched Hairpin; A Mycroft Mystery. New York: Vanguard Press. 1949. 226p.

________. London: Cassell and Co., Ltd. 1951.

35. 1949 Prayers and Meditations. New York: Harper & Bro. 1949. 153p.

36. 1950 The Black Fox: A Novel of the Seventies... London: Cassell and Co., Ltd. 1950. 234p.

________. New York: Harper. 1951.

"A novel of the supernatural the scene of which is the close of an English cathedral city in the 1870's." BRD/1951/p.391.

37. 1950 Is God in History? An Inquiry Into Human and Prehuman History, In Terms of the Doctrine of Creation, Fall and Redemption.

New York: Harper & Bro. 1950. xii,269p. WIH.

________. London: Faber and Faber. 1951.

"A sequel to ... Is God Evident? In this Mr. Heard argues that the Christian tradition of the Fall and Redemption, and the teachings of certain Eastern religions, reveal the way in which God has intervened in man's story in prehuman and human times." BRD/1950/p419.

38. 1950 Morals Since 1900. London: A. Dakers. 1950. 223p. (Twentieth Century Histories).

"A dark look at the moral fabric of British society, which the author thinks has been steadily unraveling since the beginning of the century, and some suggestions as to how a new ethic, in keeping with the present scientific era, might be developed...." New Yorker. 26:95. Jan.20, 1951.

39. 1950 The Riddle of the Flying Saucers. Is Another World Watching? London: Carroll & Nicholson. 1950. 157p. Illustrated. Maps.

Is Another World Watching? The Riddle of the Flying Saucers. New York: Harper & Bro. 1951. xiv,183p.

________. New York: Bantam Books. 1953. (Revised, with new material. (A Bantam Book, 1079).

40. 1951 Ten Questions on Prayer. Wallingford, Pennsylvania: Pendle Hill. 1951. 32p. (Pendle Hill Pamphlet, 58).

________. Wallingford, Pennsylvania: Pendle Hill. 1966. 32p. (Pendle Hill Pamphlet, 58).

41. 1952 Gabriel and the Creatures. New York: Harper & Bro. 1952. 244p. Illustrated by Susanne Suba. WIH.

Wishing Well: An Outline of the Evolution of the Mammals, Told As A Series of Stories About How the Animals Got Their Wishes... London: Faber and Faber. 1953. 198p. Illustrated by Susanne Suba.

"Evolution is the biggest story ever... We human beings, we are its strange climax, its very latest chapter." p.9

"... these stories, because they are fairy stories, because the characters in them have will and wishes, tastes and passions -- as well as magic and wizard powers -- these characters choose and struggle and get enchanted by using their magic wrong and find deliverance by using it right. Is that -- at least in parable form -- the truth about Life, the meaning of the mammal's evolution..." p.11

42. 1955 The Human Venture. New York: Harper & Bro. 1955. 310p. WIH.

"In short, the history of man is twofold. There is the outward story of economics and physical inventions, of science, technology and manufacturing. But parallel with it is the inward story of man's understanding and ordering of his own life, and this is essentially the history of religion in the deepest sense of the word. What follows, then, is a sketch of this second history, the 'inside' story of the human venture." p.1

43. 1959 Training for a Life of Growth. Santa Monica, California: Wayfarer Press. 1959. iv,90p.

44. 1963 The Five Ages of Man. New York: Julian Press. 1963. 393p. Includes a glossary, p.385-388 and a bibliography, p.389-393. WIH.

"A major work by an internationally known historian and philosopher presenting a new approach to the philosophy of history in which man is enabled to personally identify with his own phylogenetic and cultural past to perceive himself as a significant contributor to his own evolution." (Publisher's Note)


Periodical Articles

45. 1922 Illusion of Irish Nationalism. Fortnightly Review, London. 118 (August 1922):201-211.

46. 1931 Notion of Survival. Spectator. 146 (February 21, 1931):262.

47. 1931 Weather. Spectator. 146 (May 30, 1931):854-855.

48. 1932 Spiritualism Put to Proof. Living Age. 343 (November 1932):258-262.

49. 1933 Report of a Series of Sittings with Rudi Schneider. Society for Psychical Research. Proceedings. 41 (June 1933):282-283.

49A. 1935 Mr. Well's Apocalypse. Nineteenth Century and After. 114 (October 1933):502-512.

50. 1935 How to Tame Dragons. Forum and Century. 93 (April 1935):240-242.

51. 1935 Science in 1910. New Statesman & Nation. 9 (May 4, 1935):638.

52. 1936 New Epoch in Psychical Research. Forum and Century. 96 (July 1936):25-28.

53. 1937 Psychology of Coronation. Spectator. 158 (May 7, 1937):851-852.

54. 1938 Anthropology and the Human Crisis. Sociology and Social Research. 22 (January 1938):238-211.

55. 1938 Lost Horizon. Forum and Century. 99 (March 1938):186-189.

56. 1940 Spiritual Direction. Christian Century. 57 (March 6, 1940):305-307.

57. 1940 Skill of Prayer. Christian Century. 57 (April 10, 1940):475-476.

58. 1940 Force that Is Not Violence. Christian Century. 57 (July 10, 1940):872-874.

59. 1942 Practice of the Presence. Christian Century. 59 (April 29, 1942):558-559.

60. 1942 Great Fog. Harper. 184 (May 1942):612-619.

61. 1943 Little Used Keys to Religion. Christendom. 8, no. 1 (1943):42-50.

62. 1945 Need for Moral Research. Christian Century. 62 (August 15, 1945):929-931.

63. 1946 Red Dean's Bad Manners. Christian Century. 63 (Feb. 27, 1946):270-2.

64. 1947 Britain and America. Hibbert Journal. 45 (Jan. 1947):124-8.

65. 1947 Suffering. Christendom. 12, no. 2 (1947):190-8.

66. 1948 H. G. Wells: The End of a Faith. Saturday Review of Literature. 31 (March 13, 1948):9-10+.

67. 1958 Democracy of Faith. Saturday Review. 41 (March 8, 1958):28.

68. 1960 Waiting for the Third Act. Times Literary Supplement. June 3, 1960. p.355.

69. 1963 Can This Drug Enlarge Man's Mind? Horizon. 5 (May 1963):28-31.

70. 1965 The Poignant Prophet: (Aldous Huxley). Kenyon Review. 27, no. 1 (Winter 1965):49-70.



71. 1961 Survival. Hollywood, California: Vedanta Press. 1976. 1 cassette. 2 track. mono. Recorded in 1961.

Despite our material success and power, our culture may not survive because of the poverty of our goals. We must strive to develop our "inner consciousness" and continue to grow psychologically to have hope for the future.

72. 1974 Explorations. Hollywood, California: Vedanta Press. 1974. 1 cassette. 2 track. mono.

73. 1975 Indications. Hollywood, California: Vedanta Press. 1975. 1 cassette. 2 track. mono.

74. 1975 Reflections. Hollywood, California: Vedanta Press. 1975. 1 cassette. 2 track. mono.

75. 1976 Growth. Hollywood, California: Vedanta Press. 1976. 1 cassette. 2 track. mono.

This life should be viewed as the preparation for another higher state of consciousness. It is the role of society to help us reach this new experience.

76. 1976 Re-birth. Hollywood, California: Vedanta Press. 1976. 1 cassette. 2 track. mono.


Works Appearing in Collections

77. B + M -- Planet 4.

Healey, Raymond J. New Tales of Space and Time. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1951. 294p.

________. New Tales of Space and Time. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1952. xiii,279p. (Contains an introduction by Gerald Heard).

78. The Cat, "I Am"

Necker, Claire. Supernatural Cats: An Anthology. New York: Doubleday, 1972. 439p.

Lines, Kathleen. The Haunted and the Haunters: Tales of Ghosts and Other Apparitions. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1975. x,275p.

79. Churches, Humanism and Spirituality

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (423-426). WIH.

80. The Collector

Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952.

81. Cyclops

Crossen, K. F. Future Tense: New and Old Tales of Science Fiction. New York: Greenberg, 1952. 364p.

82. Dryness and Dark Night

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (136-141). WIH.

83. Emergence of the Half-men

Beebe, W. Book of Naturalists: An Anthology of the Best Natural History. New York, 1944. (363-374). WIH.

84. The Future of Mankind's Religion

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (442-446). WIH.

85. God is Shy

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Collier Books, 1962. (305-308). WIH.

86. Great Fog

Conklin, Edward Groff. A Treasury of Science Fiction. New York: Crown Publishers, 1948. ix517p.

Heilman, Robert Bechtold. Modern Short Stories: A Critical Anthology. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950. x,438p.

87. Guides to the Spiritual Life

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Collier Books, 1962. (319-323). WIH.

88. The Inner Voice

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Collier Books, 1962. (416-421). WIH.

89. Is Mysticism Escapism?

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (29-32). WIH.

90. Is Old Age Worthwhile?

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Collier Books, 1962. (436-440). WIH.

91. Is There Progress?

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (432-435). WIH.

92. Joseph Priestly

Dobree, Bonamy. From Anne To Victoria. New York: Charles Scribner's and Sons, 1937. (366-378). WIH.

93. Marconi

Men of Turmoil: Biographies by Leading Authorities of the Dominating Personalities of Our Day. New York: Minton, Balch & Co., 1935. (346-354). WIH.

94. Mr. Montalba, Obsequist

Queen, Ellery, pseud. To the Queen's Taste: The First Supplement to 101 Years' Entertainment, Consisting of the Best Stories Published in the First Four Years of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1946. 602p.

95. My Discoveries in Vedanta

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (59-63). WIH.

96. Mysticism in the "Theologica Germanica"

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (383-388). WIH.

97. Notes on Brother Lawrence's Practice of the Presence of God -- II

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (432-435). WIH.

98. The Philosophia Perennis

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (294-297). WIH.

99. The President of the United States, Detective

Queen, Ellery, pseud. Queen's Awards, 1947. Boston: Little Brown, 194?. 403p.

Queen, Ellery, pseud. The Golden 13: 13 First Prize Winners from Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. New York: World Publishing Company, 1970. xvi,347p.

100. Return to Ritual

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (89-93). WIH.

101. Rousing of Mr. Bradegar

Stern, Philip Van Doren. Travelers in Time: Strange Tales of Man's Journeyings Into the Past and the Future. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1947. xxiii,483p.

102. Science Fiction, Morals, and Religion

Bretnor, Reginald. Modern Science Fiction. New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1953. (243-264). WIH.

103. Some Notes on Brother Lawrence's Practice of the Presence of God -- I

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (396-407). WIH.

104. The Swap

Conklin, Groff, and Conklin, Lucy Tempkin. Supernatural Reader. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1953. 349p.

Manley, Seon, and Lewis, Gogo. Bewitched Beings: Phantoms, Familiars, and the Possessed in Stories From Two Countries. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shephard. 1974. 224p.

105. Three Key Answers to Three Key Questions

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Collier Books, 1962. (384-399). WIH.

106. Unknown Indian Influences

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (371-375). WIH.

107. Vedanta and Western History

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Collier Books, 1962. (17-27). WIH.

108. Vedanta As the Scientific Approach to Religion

Isherwood, Christopher. Vedanta For the Western World. New York: Viking Press, 1960. (51-55). WIH.

109. Vindicae Fammae

Lines, Kathleen. The Haunted and the Haunters: Tales of Ghosts and Other Apparitions. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1975. x,275p.

110. Wingless Victory

Derleth, August William. Beyond Time and Space. New York: Pelegrini & Cudahy, 1950. 643p.


Reviews of Books


Mind. 39 (April 1930):211-218. W. J. H. Sprott.

Nation. 129 (October 16, 1929):423. J. W. Krutch. 2350w.

Nation and Athenaeum. 45 (September 28, 1929):829. Leonard Wolf. 1600w.

New Republic. 60 (August 21, 1929):22. V. F. Calverton. 1500w.

New Statesman. 34 (December 7, 1929):sup. xiv. 470w.

New York Evening Post. (July 27, 1929):6m. G. H. Munson 900w.

New York Times Book Review. (October 13, 1929):10. 1400w.

New York World. (January 5, 1930):11m. L. H. Titterton. 200w.

St. Louis Library Bulletin. 27 (December 1929):329.

Saturday Review of Literature. 6 (August 7, 1929):51. Joseph Jastrow. 1050w.

Spectator. 143 (October 5, 1929):sup. 457. J. H. Driberg. 1350w.


Bookmark. 11 (December 1951):59. 30w.

Kirkus. 19 (November 1, 1951):660. 110w.

Library Journal. 76 (November 1, 1951):1806. E. F. Walbridge. 80w.

New York Herald Tribune Book Review. (November 11, 1951):12. H. H. Holmes. 320w.

New York Times Book Review. (December 9, 1951):30. Villiers Gerson. 150w.

Saturday Review of Literature. 34 (November 17, 1951):73. Basil Davenport. 460w.

Wilson Library Bulletin. 47 (November 1951):254.


Christian Century. 58 (May 7, 1941):622. Graham Hunter. 950w.

Churchman. 155 (April 15, 1941):34. H. J. S. 70w.

more to be added soon ... work in progress (July 12, 2013)