Plastic Hōki Buying Guide

Plastic Hōki (The plastic Shakuhachi flute as a sacred tool of dharma in Sui Zen practice)

“Playing the music inside is what is important…from the place of silence. The illusive sound of shakuhachi…well there are so many. I tell my students that 100 different timbres are needed at least…don’t throw out any sound as imperfect. All the sounds have their place in a piece you give to others. All sounds are part of the language of expressing the inner landscape. If you get to the illusive sound, that is great and necessary, but simpler sounds are also necessary to showcase the illusive ones.” -- Mary Lu Brandwein, Shakuhachi Teacher

BUYING A PLASTIC SHAKUHACHI FOR SUI ZEN (shipping prices are to New Mexico, USA)

I chose to buy a plastic Shakuhachi flute for four reasons:

1) My interest is Shakuhachi as Hōki for Ro-Buki, blowing Ro, blowing Zen, as a Sui Zen meditation practice;

2) Plastic Shakuhachi flutes will not dry out and crack in New Mexico’s desert climate, and;

3) A plastic flute is more affordable, on a limited retiree budget, than a quality bamboo Shakuhachi

4) I have no musical background and do not have much time left, at my age, to learn to play

quality honkyoku with a quality Japanese madake bamboo Shakuhachi costing from $200 to $3,000.

Caveat Emptor! Be careful! There are cheap bamboo flutes, and there are bamboo Shakuhachi costing several thousand dollars. If you want a bamboo Shakuhachi, try to find a Shakuhachi maker whose flutes have been recommended by renowned Shakuhachi players. Prices for bamboo flutes typically range from $200 to $3,000. There are exceptions like the Windelf Flutes, recommended by Shakuhachi teacher, Bronwyn Kirkpatrick.

An inexpensive bamboo Shakuhachi flute (recommended for beginners by Shakuhachi teacher Bronwyn Kirkpatrick) from Windelf Flutes in Australia, available online through Etsy. $58.62 + $15.63 shipping from Australia to New Mexico.

Of course, the cheapest Shakuhachi might be the one you make yourself. Requires patience and tools.

See "How to Make a PVC Shakuhachi" at


The Shakuhachi Yuu 1.8 D is a precision-made flute, molded into the form of a bamboo root-end, made from strong ABS plastic. It originated in Japan and is recommended for beginners by Japanese Shakuhachi teachers. The Shakuhachi Yuu costs $165 from (price includes shipping for Prime members) “Purchases greatly assist SourcePoint Global Outreach / Naljor Prison Dharma Service, a nonprofit organization, providing self-help resources to those in prison and solar flashlights to 3rd world villages.”

More information at:

The PVC Shakuhachi Flute 1.8 (tuned to D, available in white or black) from NoiFlutes in Thailand costs $24 (plus $14 shipping from Thailand to New Mexico) Available through Etsy NoiFlutes store.

More information at:

The Stickman Escrima Products 21” frosted or black polycarbonate Shakuhachi (tuned to D) is made of the same impact resistant plastic used in martial arts training sticks and costs $36 (plus $13 shipping from California to New Mexico). Call to confirm availability. Fighting stick Shakuhachi may not be in stock. +1 (510) 517-9553 More information at: