
"Do they truely belive in brain washing? The only influence is the one that matches our own dreams. We chose to be far from reality because we like to dream, but we don't lose touch in reality. We try to influence the surrounding to change it. Only those who are weak repeat or are really brain washed. I didnt change, I just chose to be more clear, or more ambiguous, I just change in mood, in playing, in my approach, in my presentation. What I belived one year ago is what I belived today. Who I was a year ago is who I am today. Master is a master. Leaders will not be followers, but can manipulate the manipulator. I wish the coming has a better and moral start. Who hides is the weak, who confronts is the strong. And yet, I still keep the hope that people with a conscinece similar to mine become presnet in my life. Game is over with no one winning, there was no game at all but a waste of life, time, and many more important things, Samah Ghanem

"Fighters will never lose their will to fight, their force is a stored force, that requires materialized tools to raidate again. It can be doubled to lead the world if other following moral fighters join the swarm. My friends, never chose to change, but be better than who you are", Samah Ghanem

""and I endued you with love from Me, in order that you may be brought up under My Eye". In the direction of belief that some of us are created as Gods on earth. I am happy to spread my thoughts via my followers. Those who have better interfaces to people. How similar jews are to me. We are both masters. But I am the fair master. We give the directions, the abstractions, the wisdom. And my followers from every religion or location cannot observe it, but repeat my words. It can be more understood. Masters need those who translate their messages and observe through their behaviors, layers of strength.", Samah Ghanem

"Dig deep until you dive. See the fish see the dark until you die but you will never see the sky. Dig deep give a wink to the tide to the moving wave. See the side of the wave you will never reach the core. The sea is large. You're deep in one side. Dig deep your breath is limited your sight is limited you cant hear the sound. You're far from the air from the breeze from the light.

Dig deep you'll never see the big picture you'll never rise to the feeling skin to the touching words looking alone to the mind. The sea is an abstraction is a summary, the definition of the core more nice to see than its depth mixed with dark and bright. Dig deep its good but dont dig too much deep to be shallow.", Samah Ghanem

Written in March 2016

"In the search for wisdom, I research myself. I find myself in a new place, in a new land, in a new country, to which I love to travel. In travel across the world, you move your parts and the energy you harvest, adds more to your mass and your wisdom.", Samah Ghanem

"Arabic flux should go towards the west. Western flux should go towards the middle east. The former will learn discipline, system, less talk more work, none for free, help yourself and freedom to all. The latter will learn passion, generousity, non-materialism, family ties and welcoming. Then both will own the sides they really miss.", Samah Ghanem

"They throw to the Arabs a bone that let them move with no true purpose but serving Them, the public before the governments, then They watch, while developing ThemSelves, how the dogs maul one another, each according to his/her group. then, They declare their win using the hands of shattered idiots who lost purpose. ", Samah Ghanem

"If secularist systems offer leadership, independence, equity and fairness for men and women equaly likely, criminalizing inhuman societal, cultural, religious driven acts, then I am secular until the end. And " no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error". With my sole belief of absolute freedom in the choice of religion or no religion", Samah Ghanem

"Still I see your presence through my ways. You exist and you are yet existing. You will exist in my new page the way you existed in my last page.", Samah Ghanem

"Some alive are dead, living with them is as living in a grave. You cannot see except corpses with no soals. Bodies that waits decomposition, lacking mind and goal. Thus, exists with no value.", Samah Ghanem

"I am almost sure that my strength and intelligence affect men before women to the limit of conspiracy", Samah Ghanem

"I am in a battle its only player is myself. The others abandoned, leaving the last fighter, to win the war", Samah Ghanem

"If you have faced a sudden issue, know that you might have shaked hands with the wrong person yesterday", Samah Ghanem

"We speak through hops when we have been wounded, but yet we need to stay close while far, in touch while hidden, because we yet hold emotions to those who distant themselves from us by their crimes", Samah Ghanem

''You can be what you can be. You can't be what you can't be. Don't force yourself to be what it can't be. Don't let your life to go where it shouldn't be. Be what you can.'', Samah Ghanem