
0. ''If I see you thank God. If I like you thank me'', Samah Ghanem

1. "Woman is the enemy of herself'', Samah Ghanem

2. "you start losing your respect when you start giving excuses to people", Samah Ghanem

3. "with big minds comes big pain", Samah Ghanem

4. "measures are old definition of no measures", Samah Ghanem

5. "age gives you more freedom and more authorities to break rules or to follow broken rules", Samah Ghanem

6. "Eternity comes from fulfilling dreams.So trust in God when seeking them", Samah Ghanem

7. "Everyone should know his own size. The ones who don't know yet should know it through failures", Samah Ghanem

8. "Love yourself, trust yourself moderately, and don't do wrong to yourself, you gain most satisfaction. Love, be friend, and show trust in others, you gain the rest of it", Samah Ghanem

9. "Success is not final, failure is sometimes fatal. courage without tools doesn't count; its like a rifle without a bullet", Samah Ghanem

10. "Change is needed when it is required. No change is a requirement when change is not needed", Samah Ghanem

11. "If the theory doesn't match facts adapt it to facts", Samah Ghanem

12. "What doesnt kill us kills part of us but we pretend to be stronger", Samah Ghanem

13. "A room without minds and hearts are empty of any type of books", Samah Ghanem

14. "Education is the fastest way to old age. Well education is the best investment for a human without money, and its worth it", Samah Ghanem

15. "The secret of life is to find in the right time what you like and to see it on ground in the right time", Samah Ghanem

16. "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today unless u can do it better tomorrow: there is a tradeoff between time and quality", Samah Ghanem

17. "returning back in time is more painful than continuing a painful present", Samah Ghanem

18. "Genes of Luck always prevail and very few times create a mutation. There should be some scientific means to inject stem cells of such genes to allow all people to live well", Samah Ghanem

19. "who lived in war cannot live without war, so he/she creates his/her own war", Samah Ghanem

20. "If you build a society, you build an army", Samah Ghanem

21. "After it takes what it takes to make it happen, is it what we wanted ? should we lead our lives or let our lives lead us ?", Samah Ghanem

22. "We never change. But we adapt reactions to new changes", Samah Ghanem

23. "Having principle and good deeds is defined by the amount of rightfulness you contribute to the lives of others. To say the right thing, to do the right thing, to encourage the right thing, in the right time", Samah Ghanem

24. "Morality is in conscience and conscience is in morality, and having faith is having morality", Samah Ghanem

25. "The distance between respect and love is zero", Samah Ghanem

26. "No woman is free, No man is free. Each is imprisoned in something known or unknown. And so we all sake the infinite but finite freedom." Samah Ghanem

27. "Some countries pay for people, and some people pay for countries." The lucky is the first, the symbol is the second. Samah Ghanem

28. "Men jealousy from women who are much intellectual and able leaders is greater than their jealousy from such men" Samah Ghanem

29. "Men support men to succeed, women support men to succeed, and women far from pleasing men have their self-support", Samah Ghanem

30. "If you need to do a simple check for an undeveloped country: check how extroverts are replaced with introverts, and how followers are used as leaders." Samah Ghanem

31. "We were born to keep the world balanced". Samah Ghanem

32. "Always be a good listener and let your conscience filters and shapes the good advise, because behind working on one good advise lies real gains, and behind working deaf lies the real pain" Samah Ghanem

33. "Wound me today to survive the future life with dignity. Sell me soft shadows, and then watch my everlasting suffering" Samah Ghanem

34. "Your harshness and softness are both proportional to how many harsh experiences you´ve been through" Samah Ghanem

35. "God assigns few of his roles to humans who mis/use it and God will play his full role when he exclude his all assignments. Another way to interpret the ufair-fair lives respectively." Samah Ghanem

36. "Life is not fair because God keeps it for another life to make it fair. " Samah Ghanem

37. "As far as my ambitions are not fullfiled, my ambitions increase"

Samah Ghanem

38. "Never mix the politics in how you treat humans. Some humans are above politics and some repeat public news in their behaviors." Samah Ghanem

39. ''Continuity needs a strong dedication; a strong will; a hell of determination and perseverance and the power of God inside the human". Some fall from the first stone and some step forward and move ahead boldly and unstoppingly" Samah Ghanem

40. "Those who were in appreciation to what they had yet appreciate the memories after their uncontrolled loss and those who were in denial dont even stop the loss from happening nor appreciate the memories." Samah Ghanem

41. "To have what few people have, do the same sacrifice they do."

Most of those who sacrifice are the ones who didnt have someone to build a life for them or to put them on the first step of the life stairs of success.''Samah Ghanem

42. "When we search or question where are our old friends, we are in fact searching our old impressions and expectations in them" Samah Ghanem

43. "Your face is not all of you, but a lot of you", Samah Ghanem

44. "Never acknowledge what or whom you don't know." Never judge the person from his words. And never have a complete belief through the words of others. Keep a room for experience and keep the rest to your mind" Samah Ghanem

45. "A home without homeland, and a strangerland without home, where we go ?" Samah Ghanem

46. ''When the practice of injustice prevails with absolute proliferated rudeness, no wonder if the land gives birth to its terrorist or swallow its own sons'', Samah Ghanem

47. ''Between anger and anger management are two days, one to start and one to restart, and in between the day of the illusion of happiness'', Samah Ghanem

48. ''If you are working with immoral creatures, no matter how much you lose, as you should already know the consequence of committing such crime on your-own self'', Samah Ghanem

49. ''Who don't respect people who deserve respect will never gain the respect of anyone in the world'', Samah Ghanem

50.'' you will never find a fair solution with people who own limited perspectives and short vision to things'', Samah Ghanem

51. "Some people were born to live, some people were born to die. The first experience life once and the second experience death twice.", Samah Ghanem

52. ''When you are in a different timing than others, you are smarter than others. You can analyze within timeframes that are unknown to others. You own more near characteristics to God who is the smartest, the greatest the one and only one who see from a timing that no one can observe or recognize. Thats God'', Samah Ghanem

53. "I am in my own world out of my non owned world" Samah Ghanem

54. ''Reality defines words. Words does not define reality'', Samah Ghanem

55.''Its how you emphasize on the positive, focus on the strengths, encourage, embrace, support and invest on great people with great characters, this is what leadership is supposed to fulfill, this is how great results can be obtained on all levels'', Samah Ghanem

56. "I see through experience that the so claimed civilized societies are as uncivilized as uncivilized", Samah Ghanem

57. ''I am not God to forgive the root cause nor the destination, the root cause brings the destination, and the destination is the root cause of a destination'', Samah Ghanem

58. ''I have been constantly meeting failing projects of so-called men, whom when they feel threat from a woman, they try to ruin her path of success.'' ''And women are not better'' Samah Ghanem

59. ''Never live or allow yourself -since childhood- to live in your self-enforced ideal world, as such thing will be a continuous shock and pain for you when you grow older and face the real life and reality of people, and start bench-marking your own values with the ones of your family, friends, co-workers, and others. Live the values of reality, enjoy the dark side as others, commit mistakes, try to hurt, and then your clean fixed self might change or might rise down to match well with what a real world is, but yet very hard'' Samah Ghanem

60. ''Mathematics is more nice when it reflects our point of view'' Samah Ghanem

61. ''Those with most strong characters are the most deep lovers'', Samah Ghanem

62. ''Move alone, grow small, until absorbed, a universal fact'', Samah Ghanem

63. "Dont dig too deep to be shallow. You will not be close to the core, but on another surface", Samah Ghanem

64. "We are outcomes of decisions. And decisions define our destiney". Samah Ghanem

65. ''See the way, not only the result'', Samah Ghanem

66. "By time, we turn into numbers", Samah Ghanem

67."Loyalty to the right person, to a friend, to a correct principle is one of the highest forms of morality. This shouldn't contradict with awareness and thoughtfulness nor be mixed with blind followership" Samah Ghanem

68. "Freedom is always confused with exceeding limits. Thus, freedom should be limited", Samah Ghanem

69. ''Never believe that governments are worse than societies, they are both reflections of different size mirrors'', Samah Ghanem

70. ''Imperialism is in the chromosomes of its associated societies'', Samah Ghanem

71. ''I try to implement fairness in a non ideal world. This is my purpose in life. '' , Samah Ghanem

72.''Sometimes, its nice to repeat same mistakes to confirm what we learned, or to keep a self reminder of past to present pain'', Samah Ghanem

73. ''There is a time mismatch between my life and my living'', Samah Ghanem

74. ''its better not to know ourselves nor others more than a certain limit, we will keep friendship with our own selves and others if part of us stays unknown to us'', Samah Ghanem

75. ''We are born kids, then injustice turns them into strange creatures'', Samah Ghanem.

76. ''God is fair in an integrable form but unfair by parts.'' As the limit in time goes to infinity. Samah Ghanem

77. 'My hope keeps me going forward, and my life turns me back.'' Samah Ghanem

78. ''I am running after my ambition, and my ambition is always escaping me'', Samah Ghanem

79. ''Danger is a feeling of implicit mistake committed by one, the other side of the communication, or a connection'', Samah Ghanem

80. ''If you have a correlated source, independent cancellation of probabilities does not decrease the probability of occurance. ''

''Everything in life is correlated. We see it independent when we simplify, or lack connecting things.'' observation is a great tool. Samah Ghanem

81. ''We draw the way for all followers in this world who are taking leading roles'', Samah Ghanem

82. ''Wisdom is an increasing function of pain, Wisdom is a decreasing function of over pain." Samah Ghanem

83. "Rules are necessary. Breaking rules is a must", Samah Ghanem

84. ''Knowledge with lack of knowledge, foggy knowledge, or useless knowledge associated with incremental learning/knowledge are useful sources for ceative thinking.'' Samah Ghanem

85. ''Fogs of knowledge are the source of imagination'' Samah Ghanem

86. ''If subconscious biases are managed, practiced biases will be mitigated'',

Samah Ghanem

87. ''The leaders receive the support they give'', Samah Ghanem

88. ''We love our embodiments, whom we should be, but couldn't be'', Samah Ghanem

89. ''Solitude is the best thing in the world. We see things much sharp. We re-setup, re-update, we simply re-store ourselves'', Samah Ghanem

90. ''At the vertex of creative thinking with the power of imagination, there we meet'', Samah Ghanem

91. ''In a developed society, people must develop their beliefs to what embraces humanity and equality in the form of fairness", Samah Ghanem

92. ''Researches develop human tools, but fail to develop humans'', Samah Ghanem

93. ''Acts are always stronger than words. Newton's law of action-reaction applies to human actions-reactions'', Samah Ghanem

94. "To be a leader, you have to be talented, to have influence, fairness, knowledge, open mindedness, respectful, observant, unbiased, firm but also flexible. You have to own all contradictions and move within them in the correct way." Samah Ghanem

95. "No one has the power to assault on our sovereignty. We offer whom we love some authority then we extract it back when we see it is decisively necessary" Samah Ghanem

96. "Conspiracy Theory is Conspiracy in Practice", Samah Ghanem

97. ''The Great is always Great. Positions are not fixed. Everything in life is time dependent'', Samah Ghanem

98. "Leaders cannot be followers", Samah Ghanem

99. ''In your hardest times that can be observable by many means, you will know who your friends are. If time passes and your presumed friends did not appear, know well, they never meant to be your friends'', Samah Ghanem

100. "Time is an information source", Samah Ghanem

101. "Influence is stronger than manipulation. Unlike the later, the effect of the former extends to generations ", Samah Ghanem

102. "Manipulation is used as a mechanism of information hiding to cause confusion and diffusion", Samah Ghanem

103. "What is life? A set of many variables. If you own most, you have life, if you lost most, you have paralysed life, if you lost all, you are out of life, and for few one variable can include all life", Samah Ghanem

104. "Love is as holy as religion, a practice shared between two, only" Samah Ghanem

105. "Freedom cannot be taught, if taught then its slavery", Samah Ghanem

106. "If you don't know, better to stay silent", Samah Ghanem

107. "If you think prostitution is limited to its licensed spaces, you are wrong. Prostitution is part and driving force of any organization in this world", Samah Ghanem

108. "Nothing can compensate what is lost in life. Even if we start today, tomorrow will never be the same. Time is a greal tool for change. If you dont own it back you lose a lot ahead. Our life is limited. Our age decreases by time, so does our health.", Samah Ghanem

109. "People should be punished for their acts, not their feelings. No one should take the role of the government nor the authority of God", Samah Ghanem

110. "Even in life: Numbers reflect truth or direction. Part is real and part is imaginary", Samah Ghanem

111. "Marketing and Patriotism are similar. Both sell a product to the public at a certain time.", Samah Ghanem

112. ''Happiness is a way to happiness. Suffering is a way to suffering. I wish death to the sufferers'', Samah Ghanem

113. ''Luck defines you, nothing else'', Samah Ghanem

114. ''Killing is sometimes a moral act. Neutrality is as immoral as killing sometimes'', Samah Ghanem

115. ''If life is a game that has two ends, and winners of such game are those who play rational. What is the Nash equilibrium point between pleasing God and pleasing the immoral society?'', Samah Ghanem

116. ''I want to die doing the job I want at the place I want", Samah Ghanem

117. ''We are free to die, to think, to mistake, to love, to decide, to chose, to move'', Samah Ghanem

118. ''We love some but we don't admire, we respect parts of others but we don't love. If a bit of respect and love joined, human relations can be built. If respect and love joined, friendships and professional relations can be continued. Nothing absolute in love and respect.'', Samah Ghanem

119. ''Solitude is sometimes precious. A way to emotional stability'', Samah Ghanem

120. "Societies are free to interact. Interaction is a learning process. If we put apartheid or walls, no one will influence the other." , Samah Ghanem

121. "Bridging gaps is the way to diversity. Fix the statistics to fix the norm.", Samah Ghanem

122. "If we end discussion, conflict will persist and enemies will develop to more enemies. The ultimate mentality is to befriend your enemies", Samah Ghanem

123. "In the way to self- and global- awareness and improvement is joining any community with observer or contributor roles", Samah Ghanem

124. "What you can learn from an enemy is more than what you can learn from a friend", Samah Ghanem

125. "Do not echo me. Let me hear a valid perspective", Samah Ghanem

126. ''If we do no exist in our places, God does not exist on Ground, there is a certain shift, or displacement, by laws of physics'', Samah Ghanem

127. ''No issue can be solved by closing it. Past will never be history if we try to close channels to unsolved issues'', Samah Ghanem

128. "I wish all people happiness the way I wish it to myself. I wish all who inflict pain receive it themselves. This is the way to learn how to feel with people suffering and understand their reactions and the limits they define", Samah Ghanem

129. "We cannot clone people in behavior, we are different", Samah Ghanem

130. "If prophets mimic the public, there are no societies and no prophets", Samah Ghanem

131. "Play anything but not people's dignity", Samah Ghanem

132. ''Death: When you try all ways, and you fail'', Samah Ghanem

133. ''When the resilience collapse: never been unrecoverable to recover", Samah Ghanem

134. ''In a blind world: They follow processes but they follow no humanity and no reason'', Samah Ghanem

135. ''People mix discipline with obedience. Creative minds need the full freedom to disobey rules'', Samah Ghanem

136. ''Do not ask people to change, change there circumstances'', Samah Ghanem

137. "All people are similar, and I am happy to be different", Samah Ghanem

138. ''A state of mind can bound with a state of heart when chaos exists'', Samah Ghanem

139. ''No idea can be complete by who does not own it'', Samah Ghanem

140. "In jails, prisonnors build wisdom speaking to walls, they never be crazy to echo their inner selves", Samah Ghanem

141. "What we want may not be what is best for us, but its for a reason. If we miss a dimension in exploring ourselves, its this reason?", Samah Ghanem

142. "What we want may be not what is best for us, but its for a continuity reason. And continuity is nothing without learning.", Samah Ghanem

143. "Results are the truth of any sold words, show me results", Samah Ghanem

144. "Life is a trial/error game, worth to explore our own selves and understand others at it.", Samah Ghanem

145. "Stability is great but not guaranteed. Nothing is fixed in life. And those who are free are limitless.", Samah Ghanem

146. "You own most what you like most. You need most what you want most. Thus, what you like most is not what you want most", Samah Ghanem

147. "Education, intellect, strength, and wisdom are great gifts many are deprived from and many will never own and many are jelous from who owns it", Samah Ghanem

148. "I will live as a master and die as a master", Samah Ghanem

149. Who has no luck shouldnt put efforts on trials. Humans are divided into: happy or miserable", Samah Ghanem

150. "We will never belong to where we never belonged", Samah Ghanem

150. "We do love. We love the idea about the other even with the proof of its failure. We do love, even if we dont love ourselves. True love is to give and take, to give even when you take less. True love cannot be complete without acknowledgment of its success or its failure. Even with failure, love continues with the pieces it consumes with it.", Samah Ghanem

151. "in modeling the world, you optimize the unified law to fit the non-linear parts universally", Samah Ghanem

152. "difference is not a reason for isolation, we have to accept that not all should fit a template", Samah Ghanem

153. "I will lead you until you see that there is no men. You will follow me until men follow", Samah Ghanem

154. "Good or bad can create wisdom", Samah Ghanem

155. "I will live as a master and die as a master", Samah Ghanem

156. "Fighters will never lose their will to fight, their force is a stored force, that requires materialized tools to raidate again", Samah Ghanem

157. "The only influence is the one that matches our own dreams. We chose to be far from reality because we like to dream, but we don't lose touch in reality", Samah Ghanem

158. "A community will never win without its strong people", Samah Ghanem

159. "if you are surrounded with blind people, you are surrounded with nothing", Samah Ghanem

160. "The wise does not ask people to change, but he/she deals with them the way they are shaped even if he/she does not accept them. Change, dealing, acceptance are not separate. And we are what we are due to different experiences. Choice is a small part of whom we are", Samah Ghanem

161. ""We need similar friends, with same interests. We need loving friends not hypocrites. We need complementary friends not beneficiaries.?", Samah Ghanem

162. "People like whom they compliment", Samah Ghanem

163. "What they can't cope with, they avoid", Samah Ghanem

164. "Internet relations with its emotions are like temporary relations, with no meaning. Selling words", Samah Ghanem

165. "The freedom is to be alone at the place that you feel free to breath. Mental freedom could be obtained by meeting and interacting with a sea, a river, a green field, not by having lists of people in the view whom you don't belong to or don't want to deal with.", Samah Ghanem

166. "I pay for devices and services which are used against me'', Samah Ghanem

167. "Today I sold part of my memories, and end few of this past", Samah Ghanem

168. "Groups are behind every disaster. They cancel the individual experience via generalization. Thus groups across history have no conscience and are causes of major destruction and divisions among people", Samah Ghanem

169. "Don't expect all people to be similar. How can you expect a scientist/ a cowroker/ a human to behave when he/she passed a thousand wars and fight as a soldier to win many?" "A war survivor is not just any human being", Samah Ghanem

170. "They reflect their weaknesses by projecting an issue on the other. Sometimes one can be right and the world is wrong", Samah Ghanem

171. "Minimal Arabs push the world into their comfort zone for minimals", Samah Ghanem

172. ''in my clarity there is ambiguity, and in my ambiguity there is the clarity of the world. See my stands only'', Samah Ghanem

173. "I am just wise to be crazy", Samah Ghanem

174. "Take the role of a supporter not the role of a protector'', Samah Ghanem

175. ''History is dead, present is alive, decisions are adaptive. And as we are all aware, thus, we know what best decisions to take.'' Samah Ghanem

176. "No one can move blind and deaf. Any being deserves the respect of spoken communications", Samah Ghanem

177. ''The healthy minds: include and reward before they punish. Punishment should have limits suited to the level of the person involved. Exclusion is a reflection of idiocy'', Samah Ghanem

178. ''We should restore our rights complete, irreduced. It is nonnegotiable'', Samah Ghanem

179. ''If your interference causes issues that you cannot solve, you shouldnt have ever intervened'', Samah Ghanem

180. ''Manage money, manage allies, manage the deserved position, defeat the enemy, do not reduce nor negotiate rights'', Samah Ghanem

181. ''No weak can extract a fair solution from the strong, unless force is used'', S.G.

182. ''In an immoral society: If they cannot defeat a competitor, they use all ways to disable'', Samah Ghanem

183. ''Every loser utters words, he/she think its wisdom. Most losers think accepting defeat is a wisdom. The pain is on those who try and challenge hard but life defeated them'', Samah Ghanem

184. "They do the crime and they market it to customers who are forced to buy it", Samah Ghanem

185. ''If you want to kill a person, pretend helping him to move towards the change of accepting reality, when sticking all his life in his past'', Samah Ghanem

186. "Even if disabled, I know I am better", Samah Ghanem

187. "Who read and dont listen, see and dont understand, are indifferent than sheep", Samah Ghanem

188. The aware is someone who does not allow anyone to divide their unity, nor to weaken their solid blocks. "Never forget the divide to concur, never allow it", Samah Ghanem

189. "You are not yourself. You are your projections. There is a layer that sepearates you from you dreams to which you become projections", Samah Ghanem

190. "We need our own selves to have life. Certain things cannot be owned in the life of others.", Samah Ghanem

191. "Dear Letters, we own its abstraction, but we do not own it, have mercy on your writer", Samah Ghanem

192. "If E=mc2, then any jointly three dimensional problem in nature should be formulated in such a short form", Samah Ghanem

193. "With the decay of civilizations: Men worth no respect got followers", Samah Ghanem

194. "Our greatness is measured by the amount of pain inflicited on us, the effects on our circles, the resources wasted on trials to break it.", Samah Ghanem

195. "Don't say I am great. Let The wars you passed; The fights you did; The challenges you stand for; The virtues you own; and your hard circumstances bare witness", Samah Ghanem

196. "To control by embracing conflicts: Embrace conflict by deviating focus, brain wash by redirection of meaning and perception, cross maniplate feelings, and then schedule clustered grouping", Samah Ghanem

197. "To control by exploitation: weaken the immune system with its branches, manipulate, embrace conflict, then inflicit pain and humiliation", Samah Ghanem

198. "If I were a black man, I would chose Islam. If I were a white man, I would chose ... If I were a black woman, I would chose ..... If I were a white woman, I would chose .... And I am all and a part of all", Samah Ghanem

199. "Wherever you are, is your dignity, in your different faces", Samah Ghanem

200. "The human evolves in his/her country if he/she has a country", Samah Ghanem

200. A bit of justice calls faith, a bit of injustice calls patience, a lot of injustice calls no faith", Samah Ghanem

201. "I will fight until I defeat my enemies", Samah Ghanem

202. "In the search for wisdom, I research myself" Samah Ghanem

203. "Relashionships are like magnetic fields they are convergent not divergent. They are apparently independent when they are dependent spatially and timely", Samah Ghanem

204. "Those who are blocked in their past, see enough pain to which they view there present and future through the past. Those are the ones who never own happiness that can unblock their present and block their past.", Samah Ghanem

205. "Take Risk. Risk anything. But not others. Be free. Free of anything. Unless you harm others. Risk and freedom are indifferent.", Samah Ghanem

206. "Freedom is above the law when tailored to humanity.", Samah Ghanem

207. "We learn by teaching, we learn more by trying. We learn much by observing.", Samah Ghanem

208. "Refusal (Rebellion) is part of mindfulness, and wisdom is part of understanding", Samah Ghanem

209. "Conscience is the voice echoed in the inner self of the strong before they stop harming the weak. Conscience is the word of the strong.", Samah Ghanen

210. "A bit of sadness, a little of pain, a lot of concern are required to keep us humans. And the world of determination keeps our continuity as beings. No relaxation with no happiness, and no happiness unless our reality aligns with what we want. As our ways are destined even if we draw it by ourselves." Samah Ghanem

211. "Perfection of the mind comes with perfect vision. "And perfect vision comes with perfect insight. That is, perfection of the mind comes with perfect senses. And seeking excuses and seeing what cannot be seen is a gift given to few people.", Samah Ghanem

212. "Without Furs scientists -non Arabs- there have never been Islamic civilization. Present reality proves the past facts", Samah Ghanem

213. "The worst punishment to an educated scientist is to make his/her daily life surrounded with ignorant empty idiots", Samah Ghanem

214. "Your honor is not between your legs. Your honor is in your mastery over your mind", Samah Ghanem

215. "Freedom is above honor. Mastery is above Religion.", Samah Ghanem

216. "Discussion is the core of religions. Convincing is the core of its principles", Samah Ghanem

217. "Societies that do not respect freedoms are unsuited to democracy.", Samah Ghanem

218. "I see that Quran rules need lots of developments to its meaning and many cancellations to some rules to be suited to the present reality.", Samah Ghanem

219. "Kindness is part of the love, its heart is compassion, and its mind is attention. As Sympathy is part of the heart, and Care is part of the mind.", Samah Ghanem

220. "Who does not own the pain of experience, the moral of challenging, the dignity of generous, the genius of creative, the strangerhood of those who are different or out of place, does not understand. As who feels can understand.", Samah Ghanem

221. "Freedom is something undeducted. Who believes in freedom will not be pure secular nor pure religious. What proves that the majority are secular in their own ways with their different covers. ", Samah Ghanem

222. "I respect all whom they work their religions - any religion - with perfection. And I respect those who work hard for a goal albeit with no religion", S. G.

223. "For the unaware easy-controlled brainwashed societies, some unfair decisions become fair. There: where religion should be limited to their hearts, and practiced at their homes, and their religion places only.", Samah Ghanem

224. "The strong lead by example, to the limit of influence of behavior and freedom of choice.", Samah Ghanem

225. "Education shouldnt be used to brainwash but to influence.", Samah Ghanem

226. "The land of Israel will be from Furat to Nile, with Arabic hands.", Samah Ghanem

227. "With Arabs, no endings", Samah Ghanem

228. Silliness and idiocy are the characteristics domimating the most accepted men at developing countries.", Samah Ghanem

229. "How the undisciplined will teach others discipline? And how the uneducated will educate others?", S. G.

230. "A dog reached the moon before men: Learn by example.", Samah Ghanem

231. "I am: Moses in strength and sharpness, Omar in Fairness, Ali in wisdom, Mohamed in Honesty, Jesus in Mercy, Jewish in mind, European in professionality, Taei in generousity, Arab in passion, a man in chivarly and stands," Samah Ghanem

232. "I love the morning as its more honest and clear than the night. And I love the night more as it has all the peace for big dreams far from reality.", Samah Ghanem

233. "I walked behind my shadow, when my shadow followed me", Samah Ghanem

234. "The absent return back more and not less. The absence of the strong is not abscence. Its a time needed for re-creation", Samah Ghanem

235. "smart cities are smart enough to control its residents.", Samah Ghanem

236. "No marriage is an experience as much necessary as marriage. Each of those -unmarried or married- enjoys the type of experience or freedom that suits him/her more.", Samah Ghanem

237. "Our experiences are incomplete without our differences.", Samah Ghanem

238. "Nothing is worse than endings. Known or unknown, wanted or unwanted. And ending with closures are way better than an open ending.", Samah Ghanem

239. "Exclusion of religion from the government system and exclusion of the system from religion is two way secularism.", Samah Ghanem

240. "A criminal from the perspective of one country can be a virtuous from the perspective of another.", Samah Ghanem

241. "Now, most words have new meanings", Samah Ghanem

242. "Fairness at/or after death is not fairness. Fairness beyond time is injustice. Waiting for fairness is another injustice", Samah Ghanem

243. "One of two defines our own destiney, the third is ourselves", Samah Ghanem

244. "When we fall in love with our presence, its the state when the worst will be coming", Samah Ghanem

245. "Life makers are those unique humans who mastered the art of individuality", Samah Ghanem

246. ''A comedian turns into a president: A reflection of the majority.'', Samah Ghanem

247. ''If you find a mean, find a better mean: a conditional one'', Samah Ghanem

248. "People help the successful gain more success", Samah Ghanem

249. "If the vile wants to prove himself, will commit all the folly", Samah Ghanem

250. ''Manipulation is sometimes shrewdness and not compromize", Samah Ghanem

251. ''Throw the bone to the dog, it will catch it", Samah Ghanem

252. ''Do not state about your love to everyone you love'', Samah Ghanem

253."If you want to assasin the intellectual and strong, surround him with stupid friends and smart enemies", Samah Ghanem

254. ''Women are so bad and dangerous. Men are also bad. I have to travel to the alien world", Samah Ghanem

255. ''breaking the laws is like extending the laws, a source of creativity'', Samah Ghanem

256. "If you feel, you understand", Samah Ghanem

257. "Position defines your words and ways", Samah Ghanem

258. "Friendship with untalkatives is a blessing", Samah Ghanem

259. "Unite and Conquer", Samah Ghanem

260. "Taking a man's action doesnt mean forgiveness, but leadership", Samah Ghanem

261. I know "I was strong in my birth and death", Samah Ghanem

262. "A community lead by the worst of those who own the power of money and those who are bought with it will never win", Samah Ghanem

263. "Never unilateraly try nor suggest a solution for a problem you were not part of", Samah Ghanem

264. "If you are stupid, do not provide a point of view nor suggest a solution.", Samah Ghanem

265. Something grows inside us to the limit of retaliation. "Retaliation is love or hatred. Its the contradiction of destruction and comfort", Samah Ghanem

266. "The hard road is the right road", Samah Ghanem

267. "The worst bargaining game is on your life", Samah Ghanem

268. "There exist no crime or betrayal that does not involve Arab or ... hand", Samah Ghanem

269. "Criminals always win", Samah Ghanem

270. "If you dont know well, keep your mouth shut", Samah Ghanem

271. "Your first enemy is your family, then others", Samah Ghanem

272. "Relationships deepen only with error and sin", Samah Ghanem