Vocal Ensemble

The Saint Marys High School Vocal Ensemble is open to male and female SMHS students in good academic standing by audition only. This ensemble sings a variety of musical genres and styles, a majority of which are performed A Capella.

The Vocal ensemble rehearses at 7:15am on Wednesdays and Fridays. Audition information and signups will be posted on this page and will be held towards the end of marching season.

If there is a 2 hour delay or a school closing there will not be any Vocal Ensemble Practice. Vocal Ensemble practice will resume on the next regularly scheduled Vocal day.

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Vocal Ensemble Audition Signup

Vocal Ensemble meets at 7;15am every Wednesday and Friday. Please do not sign up for auditions unless you can commit to faithful attendance. You can click here for more information V.E. Attendance and Grading Policy

New members are required to audition for admittance into the Vocal Ensemble. The audition process will be made up of 2 parts.

1) Simple warm up exercises to determine your singing part (i.e. Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass). There is not preparation for the warm ups.

2) The Star Spangled Banner sung unaccompanied, from memory, sung in a key (starting pitch) of your choosing.

You will be evaluated on Pitch Accuracy, Rhythmic Accuracy, Diction, Vocal Tone Quality, and Expression.

An audition time signup sheet will be posted on Mr. Norton's office door.

Returning members need to fill out the Student Info Form for Vocal Ensemble.

Christmas Music Downloads

Joy A Carol Collection

Carol Of The Bells

All Is Well

All Parts

Congratulations to All-State 2015

Chorus Members

Amber Elliott

Luke Snyder

Congratulations to All-State 2014

Chorus Members

Amber Elliott

Rebecca Snyder

Luke Snyder

Congratulations to All-State 2013

Chorus Members

From L to R: Courtney Clayton, Cody Moore, Jordan Wise, Michael Shultz, Ashley Lamp.

Not Pictured: Stina Fardig

ALL- State Chorus Info

Click Here