
The Mission of the TS

To encourage open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, and science,

and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity

of all life, and help people explore spiritual transformation.

If you wish to download the book "The Key to Theosophy", or other articles, go to the very bottom of this page.

Here are some important links to more information about Theosophy:

The Theosophical Society in America Headquarters:

Theosophy Watch:

The International Headquarters:

The Ozark Theosophical Camp and Education Center:

The Theosophical Order of Service, USA:

The International TOS:

Krotona School of Theosophy, Ojai, CA:

This link is to a video about Dr. Michael Newton's work on "Journey of Souls":

Here is a link to a series of short videos I generated on relating the ageless wisdom, or Wisdom of God, known today as Theosophy to the Bible. They are intended primarily as a response to conventional Christians attempting to proselytize others to their doctrine or dogma. It may also be a help to those of a more esoteric mind who may not have sufficient background of the Bible to discuss it with them. In other words, to bridge the gap and to help speak the ageless wisdom in their own language. These videos are in the making and need more polishing, but the gist is there. Here is the link:

click on the above link, then click on the videos desired. The last three are musicals. I recommend "We Are Love".

So far there are 13 videos:


The Secret Doctrine in the Bible

Three Great Truths in the Bible

Three Objects of the TS in the Bible

Questions in the Bible

Crucifixion Account

The Shroud of Turin

Jesus tomb and Ossuaries

The Ageless Wisdom in the Bible

The Key to the Wisdom of God

We are Love (this is a music video, modified from the wedding song)

I am American (another music video, modified from I am Australian)

Put your hand (yet another music video, modified from put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the waters)

Still more intriguing videos will be coming:

Conversation in a park

The missing years of Jesus



If you have any questions or suggestions, send me a note at

To download the book "The Key to Theosophy", or other articles, go to the very bottom of this page.

Here is the original movie on the Search for Bridey Murphy. It's one hour and 24 minutes long. It's the first experiment in age regression using hypnosis with Morey Bernstein.

Here is an actual recording of CW Leadbeater's voice:

Using the power of thought: Helping Others Silently. Open or download the file "The Method" below.

The articles below are directed to pure and sincere Christians who are seeking more information about their religion. A word of warning is in order. Some may be provocative. As I have said about both science and religion, they have both been corrupted by people down through the centuries and have become dogmatic. If you do not wish to investigate new ideas that may differ from your church teachings, DO NOT READ THEM, especially the Key to Theosophy. They are not for you. Just because we have been raised in a certain faith does not mean it is the truth, the only truth, and everyone else is wrong. So be prepared for some new ideas if you do read them. These are intended to strengthen your faith, not challenge them. But a change of attitude is required and you will see things differently.

Also as the goal of science is the amelioraton of the condition of man, so is the goal of religion to make people's lives more meaningful. All legitimate religions serve this purpose. So much can be said of all major world religions, but I say that the reason why many thinking persons reject them is because of their dogmatism. All religions have their dogma, and all religions have their particular flavor in teachings, and while it helps many people, the conflict with science is what has caused many people to become athiests and unfortunately reject the teachings altogether. There has been violence in the past in the Christian church, such as the Inquisition, and there is violence today manifested by radical Islam. Both have lost the true meaning of the teachings of their religions books. Particularly now is the threat of radical fundamental Islamism. We need to be aware of what's going on. We had better become informed about it and heed what is going on so we can do something about it.