Interesting Links

I put these links here and some may be duplicated in other pages as well.

Here is a colossal source of esoteric information on all sorts of subjects:

This is the Ozark Theosophical Camp in Northwest Arkansas:

You will enjoy this site of a friend who is an author, songwriter, poet, lawyer, psychologist, among a variety of things:

This one is a site for Tesla Motors. I feel the total electric car with 300 miles range per charge is part of the answer to getting our country off foreign oil. This car, coupled with wind energy, solar energy, and the liquid metal battery for massive energy storage of alternate energy is the total solution to energy independence, jobs, and the environment.

Look at the car:

Here is the liquid metal battery:

Has anyone any doubt that animals have emotions too? Look at this video of a cat that tries to wake up a dead friend: