
Two subjects I like to avoid are: sports, and politics. But politics is hard to avoid, whereas sports is not a necessity, so I'm not planning to talk about sports -- just politics. I would say that our political system is the best in the world. Ours is not necessarily the best for everyone else however, as always, all things are relative. Just like medicine, what works for one may not work for another. Now with that said, I would like to focus in on some improvements that need to be made.

I believe that we have gotten off track about some major ideas, like becoming independent of foreign oil, and fixing the economy, and cleaning up the environment. I assert that we have the answers for all of those goals. The first answer is that we need to get out of all foreign wars. That is an unnecessary drag on the economy, as well as lives and limb lost to create productivity. The second answer is we need to develop the alternative energy solutions such as wind and solar energy. That will solve a bunch of problems right there, provide jobs to fix our economy, clean up the environment, and get us off foreign oil dependence. The problem of energy storage has a technological solution with the liquid metal battery that has been supported by Bill Gates. The total electrical vehicle is also an integral part of the alternative energy program. We have been moving way too slow on developing these projects. There should have been a crash program to develop them ten years ago and we would have been a long way ahead at this time.

Look at these sites to see what I'm talking about:

Look at the car: http://www.teslamotors.com/models/options

Here is the liquid metal battery: http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-20064404-54.html

Along with these technologies, the important issues of immigration and illegal aliens need to be addressed. It may be a big problem but it seems to me we already have laws in place to take care of the problem, they should be enforced. Then there is the problem of political correctness and not offending someone with religion or some other discrimination. We don't need to accomodate someone who thinks they want to supplant their sharia law in place of our own laws of the land in courts. We need to require that there is one language in our country which everyone should be fluent in and if they want to speak another on their own, that's fine, but don't accomodate them with printing multiple other languages on consumer products. There is an imbalance in that there are people who enter our country properly and others who enter it improperly and illegally, and just because they may have hidden from view for many years, doesn't make if fair to those who have worked for their citizenship.

Now who do you suppose this brilliant young engineer is?

Now here is a bit of disturbing information. This is one reason I don't like politics; it's about our President:


And here's another one. It's a video of a history professor on the illegal alien problem:
