Program for RUD 2020

Last updated: 7 Dec 2020

Monday 14 December

The papers and video presentations can be found here.

Please note: all times are GMT

1500 - 1505: Introductory Remarks/Admin Announcements: Sujoy Mukerji

Session 1 - Chair: Ani Guerdjikova

1505 - 1520: Itzhak Gilboa, Larry Samuelson - "What Were You Thinking? Decision Theory as Coherence Test"

1520 - 1535: Sarah Ridout - "A Model of Justification"

1535 - 1550: Jürgen Eichberger, Illia Pasichnichenko - "Decision-making with partial information"

Session 2 -Chair: Emel Filiz Ozbay

1600 - 1615: Pietro Ortoleva, Denis Shishkin - "Ambiguous Information and Dilation: An Experiment"

1615 - 1630: Jan Christopher Kops, Christian König-Kersting, Stefan Trautmann - "A Test of (Weak) Certainty Independence"

1630 - 1645: Marina Agranov, Pietro Ortoleva - "Ranges of Randomization"

1645 - 1715: Break for informal chats/meetings

Session 3 - Chair: Stefania Minardi

1715 - 1730: Yaron Azrieli, Christopher P. Chambers, Paul J. Healy - "Constrained Preference Elicitation"

1730 - 1745: Paul H.Y. Cheung, Yusufcan Masatlioglu - "Attention Overload"

1745 - 1800: Andrew Ellis, David Freeman - "Revealing Choice Bracketing"

Session 4 - Chair: Simone Cerreia-Vioglio

1805 - 1820: Jonas Frey, Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt, Mats Köster - "Optimal Stopping in a Dynamic Salience Model"

1820 - 1835; Jean Baccelli, Christoph Jansen, Georg Schollmeyer - "Risk Aversion over Finite Domains"

1835 - 1850: Sudhir Shah - "Generalised Arrow-Pratt theory"

1850 - 2000: Break for informal chats/meetings

Tuesday 15 December

The papers and video presentations can be found here.

Please note: all times are GMT

1500 - 1505: Possible admin announcements

Session 1 - Chair: Sarah Auster

1505 - 1520: Simon Grant, Ron Stauber - "Delegation and Ambiguity in Correlated Equilibrium"

1520 - 1535: Igor Kopylov, Erya Yang - "Revealed Delegation and Persuasion"

1535 - 1550: Niccolo Lomys, Lorenzo Magnolfi, Camilla Roncoroni - "Dynamic Foundations for Empirical Static Games"

Session 2 - Chair: Asen Kochov

1600 - 1615: Efe Ok, Andrei Savochkin - "Choice Under Uncertainty with Initial Information"

1615 - 1630: Alain Chateauneuf, Fabio Maccheroni, Horst Zank - "On Biseparable Utility and Subjective Beliefs"

1630 - 1645: Hung-Chi Chang, Wen-Tai Hsu, Hendrik Rommeswinkel - "Preference for Knowledge"

1645 - 1715: Break for informal chats/meetings

Session 3 - Chair: Igor Kopylov

1715 - 1730: Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Lars Peter Hansen, Simone Cerreia-Vioglio - "Decision under Model Misspecification"

1730 - 1745: Ozgur Evren - "Second-Order Representations: A Bayesian Approach"

1745 - 1800: Peter Klibanoff, Sujoy Mukerji, Kyoungwon Seo, Lorenzo Stanca - "Foundations of ambiguity models under symmetry: alpha-MEU and smooth ambiguity"

Session 4 - Chair: David Dillenberger

1805 - 1820: Quitzé Valenzuela-Stookey - "Subjective Complexity Under Uncertainty"

1820 - 1835: Matthew Kovach, Gerelt Tserenjigmid - "Behavioral Foundations of Nested Stochastic Choice and Nested Logit"

1835 - 1850: Kirby Nielsen, John Rehbeck - "When Choices are Mistakes"

1850 - 2000: Break for informal chats/meetings

Wednesday 16 December

The papers and video presentations can be found here.

Please note: all times are GMT

1500 - 1505: Announcement

Session 1 - Chair: Pietro Ortoleva

1505 - 1520: Yucheng Liang - "Learning from unknown information sources" - **Jaffray Lecture Prize Winner**

1520 - 1535: Jacob Sagi, Chew Soo Hong, Wang Wenqian - "A Parsimonious Theory of Subjective Probability"

1535 - 1550: Lasse Mononen - "State Dependent Utility and Ambiguity"

Session 2 - Chair: Andrew Ellis

1600 - 1615: Sarah Auster, Jeremy Kettering, Asen Kochov - "Sequential Trading with Coarse Contingencies"

1615 - 1630: Francesco Rocciolo - "Arbitrage Pricing under Uncertainty"

1630 - 1645: Michael Greinecker, Christoph Kuzmics - "Limit Orders under Knightian Uncertainty"

1645 - 1715: Break for informal chats/meetings

Session 3 - Chair: Christopher Chambers

1715 - 1730: Xiaoyu Cheng - "Relative Maximum Likelihood Updating of Ambiguous Beliefs"

1730 - 1745: Massimiliano Amarante - "Optimal non-Bayesian paradigms (and updating of capacities)"

1745 - 1800: Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, David Dillenberger, Pietro Ortoleva - "An Explicit Representation for Disappointment Aversion and Other Betweenness Preferences"

Session 4 - Chair: Mira Frick

1815 - 1830: Carlo Baldassi, Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, Marco Pirazzini - "Multialternative Neural Decision Processes"

1830 - 1845: Kremena Valkanova - "Markov Stochastic Choice"

1845 - 1900: Sung-Lin Hsieh, Shaowei Ke, Zhaoran Wang, Chen Zhao - "Behavioral Neural Networks"

1900: Closing Remarks: RUD Advisory Committee