Interface Commands

Here are the currently supported commands:

The serial port is running at 57600 Baud, N, 8, 1.

You'll need a terminal emulator and I recommend Termite which you can download at the bottom of this page then change the name to remove the ".allow".

All commands start with a * and terminate with <CR>, maximum command length is 15 characters including the * and <CR>, there is no provision for multiple commands on the same line.

Commands are not case sensitive.

The routine that converts the string to a frequency starts at the 15th character and looks for an ASCII numeral. Working backwards through the string the first numeral it finds it assumes is the 1 Hz digit, the next is 10 Hz followed by 100 hz, etc. It disregards non-numeric characters so:




1 000 000

1 0 0 0 0 0 0


are all interpreted as 1000000 Hz or 1 MHz

Here are the current commands:


Sets the Built-in test (BIT) Generator to frequency f. Must be in the range 1,024,000 and 112,500,000 or the sketch will report "Frq out of range."

ex: *b10000000<CR> sets the BIT generator to 10MHz.


The sketch reports the currently set BIT frequency

*Df<CR> (added in V2.1 of the Sketch)

Sets a fixed offset (delta) for all channels of the frequency generator. The units are in 1/10th of a hertz at 100 MHz. Set the frequency to 25.000000 MHz, the LO will be running at 100 MHz. Measure the LO frequency and enter the number of 1/10th of a hertz differencre from 100 MHz. So if the 100 MHz measures 100,000,045.3 Hz set D to 453. If the frequency measures 99,999,953.0, enter -470. This value is set at the factory and is stored in EEPROM and will survive firmware updating.

*D?<CR> (added in V2.1 of the Sketch)

The sketch reports the currently stored offset frequency value


Sets the External Generator to frequency f. Must be in the range 1,024,000 and 112,500,000 or the sketch will report "Frq out of range." The External signal goes to the SMA connector and could be used for an UHF/VHF converter, high performance HF front end, testing, etc.

ex: *E 21,400,000 <CR> sets the External output to 21.4 MHz


The sketch reports the currently set External frequency


Sets the Tuned frequency to f. Must be in the range 3,000,000 and 30,000,000 or the sketch will report "Frq out of range." The sketch multiplies the input value by 4 and sets the LO to 4 times the tuned frequency as required by the DDC/DUC. Above 29MHz the SI5351 library tunes the PLL rather than the multi-synth so there are slight gaps every time it retunes. The latest version stores the tuned frequency in EEPROM and restores it on power-up.

ex: *f14195000<CR> sets the tuned frequency to 14195 kHz


The sketch reports the currently tuned frequency


Sets the output level, n, for signal 'c' where c is

    • 'B' or 'b' for the BFO

    • 'E' or 'e' for the External signal

    • 'F' or 'f' for the tuner frequency.

The output levels are:

    • 0 = off

    • 1 = 2 ma drive

    • 2 = 4 ma drive

    • 3 = 6 ma drive

    • 4 = 8 ma drive

A given signals output must be turned on for the signal to be present. Generally a 4 ma drive seems like it works OK.

ex: *of2<CR> sets the tuned frequency signal to 4 ma drive


The sketch reports the currently temperature. The temp sensor is thermally coupled to the SI5351's crystal. I intend to use it to provide temperature compensation for the oscillator frequencies eventually. It doesn't really tell much about the ambient temperature; it's always warmer.


The sketch reports the current firmware version "RS-HFIQ FW1.0"


Turn the transmitter on/off where n is:

    • 0 - off (receive)

    • 1 - on (transmit using the DUC)

    • 2 - on (transmit using onboard CW generator **DO NOT USE**