
These pages are for the preservation of images relating to the Constabulary and come from various sources. Sources and subjects are indicated in the album titles where known. As with all the items on this website copyright remains with RPNGC Police Legacy Inc and are made available for private use at no charge. Any use by individuals or corporations should be referenced.


Photos from Magazines and Newsletters - Contains images copied from journals contained in the 'Magazines' section of the website.

Centenary Archive Photos - These photos cover a varied period post war and were located in the Library at Bomana Police College. They were originally collected as part of the Centenary History Project by the RPNGC in the early 1980's. Many have been used in the journals in the 'Magazine' section and the album contains more than 170 images.

Photos from the National Printing Unit at Bomana Police College circa 1988-2000 - Contains more than 650 photographs which were taken in and around the college during the late 1980's up to about 2000. They were produced by the National Printing Unit and include images of individuals and groups as well as Parade's and social activities. Many of the images are group photographs of various courses run at the college over this period and there is a large selection of images taken which depict regular classes of instruction undertaken by recruits at the time.