Police Gazettes

Papua and New Guinea Police Gazette 1st July 1966

This Gazette was issued in consequence of the establishment of the Royal Papua and New Guinea Constabulary Ordinance 1965 coming into effect. It contains in addition to a copy of the Ordinance a complete list of all members of the force at that time making it a valuable resource for the researcher and in important document in the Constabulary’s history.

Names are listed from page 2 to page 13 of the Gazette and are listed in order of rank. On page 52 can be found a list of officer promotions for that year. The Gazette is fully searchable in Adobe using Ctrl + F. Thanks are owed to Earl Sanders (RP&NGC retired) for providing this issue.

A transcribed list is provided below of all commissioned officers included in the list.


Cole, Robert Rothsay M.C.

Assistant Commissioner.

Erskine, Alfred Clarke

Superintendents First


Carroll, John Michael

McNaught, Randolph


Graham, John Francis

Holloway, Brian John

Superintendents Second


McNeil, Verdun Brian

Burns, William Michael

Dutton, }ames

Butler, John Arthur

Inspectors First Class.

Towner, Frederick Ernest

Hoeter, Frank George

Thomas; Howard Swinford

Rowles, Victor Clayton

Alien, George Barry


Parry, Colwyn Arthur

Robertson, Robert

Young, Ernest Bain

Thomson; William


Tanner, Arthur Charles

Feeney, Greville Michael

Pike, James Rennie

Mycock, Thomas Peter

Beattie, Bryan Alien

Simmonds, Norman Henry

Inspectors Third Class.

Shacklady, Thomas

Hodgson, Cyril Henry

Curtis, Ronald James

Sexton, Robert Elliott

Elliot, Michael Joseph

Honisett, William Charles

Wood, Warner Glen

Cooper, Clifford Merton

Trewin, John Charles

Pembroke, John

Cooper, Noel Vincent

Gascoigne, Kevin Radford

Baxter, Barrie

Garner, Michael John

Ring, John Patrick

Cox, Kenneth Brian

Rae, Donald James

Mercer, Frederick James

Henderson, Keith Stanley

Roach, Ronald William

Andrews, Howard Walton

Hulbert, Harry Stuart

Bradley, Ray William

Henny, Clement Ian

Gray, James Edward

Wayland, Wallace George

Nystrom, Ernest John

Inch, Henry Bruce

Halt, Colin Raymond

McGrath, Keith James

Hayes, Maxwell Russell

Reynolds, Barry William

Ramsay, Gordon James

Curtis, William Coburn

Hunter, Adam Andrew

Spackman, Edward Dorrell

Wollstein, Brian Leslie

Briancourt, Pat

Miles, Edgar Cameron

Bell, Derek Turnbull

Chape, Brian

Craig, Frederick Alan

Dyson, Michale O'Mant

Drummond, John Stanley

Lenehan, Peter James

Rabl, Edmund Frederick

Bourquin, Graham


Breman, Graham James

Anderton, Gerald James

Reade, Barrington Gerald

Dixon, David Foster

Hewitt, Peter Rowald

McDonald, lan Plummer

Watkins, Stephen John

Kuech, Warren William

Giddings, Peter Rendell

York, Barry Edward

F1sk, Peter John

Collett, John

Twigg, Graeme Charles


Rupen, Ruru

Tokiel, Nelson

Tohian, Henry

Arek, Christian

Tiden, William

Penias, Joshua

Togatia, Eliuda

Paluka, Reo

Lavau, Velekiri

Bonono Hinine

Pollock, Edward John

Swanton, Bruce

Dyer, Alan Edward

Power, John Richard Ormonde

Thomson, Frederick David

Ritchie, Arthur Colin

Tudor-Jones, David Gareth

Tumilty, Leo

Trauntner, James Henry

Wilkinson, Kevin Barrymore

Mahoney, David Patrick

Jeffrey, Raymond Francis

Davis, Peter Frederick

Walker, Alan Robert

Cowell, Michael John

Grant, Michael Mariott

Bullock, Ian

Dooley, Thomas Patrick George

McPherson, Ian Cluny

McDougall, Alasdair lan

Weir, William Anthony

Paton, Bruce Gregory

Adamson, Gerald William

Sterns, Andrew Dallas

Campbell, John Francis

Kirby, Maurice James

Bellis, Gerald Joseph

Brazier, Geoffery

Newport, Joseph Leo

McCall, William Thomas Garnet

Anderson, Ian Stuart

Race, Sydney

Bird, Robert

Trebilcock, Harold John

Brittain, William Samuel

Thackeray, David Thomas

Fyfe, Alexander

Davis, Victor Leslie