Generovanie matematických úloh

program matem_ulohy;

var i, a, b,vysl,p, ps:integer;




  write ('Zadaj pocet uloh:'); readln(p);

  write ('Zvol znak matematickej operacie:'); readln(z);

  case z of

  '+': for i:=1 to p do begin a:=random(101);




                              if vysl=a+b then inc(ps)


  '-': for i:=1 to p do begin a:=random(101);


                              if a<b then begin a:=a+b;






                              if vysl=a-b then inc(ps)


  '*': for i:=1 to p do begin a:=random(10);




                              if vysl=a*b then inc(ps)


   else write('taku operaciu nepoznam!!!');


   writeln('Tvoja uspesnost v teste je ',round(ps/p*100),'%');

