personal pronouns

Personal Pronouns

What are personal pronouns?

A noun is a word that is person, place or thing. e.g. Brian, the car, the dog, Sunita, London

A pronoun is a word that can be used in place of a noun.

A personal pronoun is used in place of a noun that is a person or a thing.

Personal pronouns for people

Personal pronouns for things

I, you, he, she, we, they

me, you, him, her, us, them

it, they, them

Singular or plural?

  • The singular (talking about 1 thing) personal pronouns are:
  • I / me . he / him . she / her . it . you
  • The plural (talking about more than 1) personal pronouns are:
  • we / us . they / them . you

Singular personal pronouns are used to replace singular nouns (one person or thing).

Plural personal pronouns are used to replace plural nouns (many people or things).

NOTE - 'You' can be used to replace one person or many people, it is both singular and plural.

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