Colon Cancer Survivors 10-20 Yrs Page1

Colon cancer survivor, Efren Valero, now 59 years old, currently 13 years in remission. I operated on him 13 years ago in Manila Doctors Hospital. He was 46 years old then. I cut a segment of his colon that contained the cancer and then did a reconnection. I did NOT have to do a colostomy. Histopathology results: adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated, with mucinous component, with full thickness involvement of wall, nodes negative. He had no additional treatment after the operation. Just check-up and symptom and sign directed surveillance. We thank God for the remission.

Efren Valero and ROJoson at ROJoson Medical Clinic in MDH - June 25, 2011

Colon cancer survivor, Conrado Rubin, now 81 years old, currently 10 years in remission. I operated on him 10 years ago (2005) in Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center.. He was 71 years old then. I cut a segment of his sigmoid colon that contained the cancer and then did a reconnection. I did NOT have to do a colostomy. Histopathology results: adenocarcinoma. He had no additional treatment after the operation. Just check-up and symptom and sign directed surveillance. We thank God for the long remission.

I am Conrado Rubin, with the help of my son George, I went to your google account and saw our picture. I am very grateful for your help “Bonus” for my life, as I told you this morning. My wife and children are also very grateful for your guided hands. Carry on and keep your good work. May our Lord bless you and the members of your family and also Beth. See you later after the ultrasound. - 15sept3

ROJ@11dec23; 15sept3