Beachey Time Trial

Venue: Beachley Point (Nr Chepstow), NP16 7HL

Date: Thursday 18th June

Start: 5pm - 8pm

Distance: 5K

Entry Fees: £7

Entry Limit: 150

  • The event will be run on a time trial basis over a 3 hour period
  • Participants will start at approx one minute intervals across the timing mats.
  • On-line entry only. NO entries on the day.
  • 5K measured route - approx one lap of the Speedway 10k route. Run out to the loop road on the pavement and back on the road keeping to left. Start and finish are at different points in the venue.
  • Fully marked and marshaled
  • The event is on roads with traffic
  • Fully permitted event
  • HQ will be outdoors - no shelter - if it rains bring appropriate clothing/equipment
  • Collect race number and chip outdoors under social distancing protocols - sterilize with gel/sterile bath.
  • Queue in line for start at least 2m apart. Proceed across start line when instructed.
  • After finish it may be possible to briefly view result, take cake and water bottle (if required), drive home. Later, view full results on-line.
  • Portaloo toilets on site - each person can sterilize touched hard surfaces themselves with gel/wipes before and after use.

Although we will accept up to 150 entries for the time trial, it is anticipated that there will be less than 30 runners spread out on the course at any one time, and about the same number of people at the venue conforming to current social distancing protocols/rules. We would encourage participants to arrive ready to run and after finishing to return home as soon as possible.

We ask you to time your arrival to start, according to the following guidelines to minimise the need for overtaking on the course:

  • 5pm to 6pm - runners who currently run a 5k in under 27mins
  • 6pm to 7pm - runners who currently run a 5k between 27 and 31 mins
  • 7pm to 8pm - runners who currently run a 5k in over 31 mins

You could finesse your arrival time further - for example if you run a 5K in around 30 mins then you would be best to start say 5 mins before 7pm. Assuming it takes you 20 minutes to collect your number and warm up we suggest you aim to arrive at 6:35pm. We do appreciate though, that due to work/family commitments it may not be possible for you to arrive at these ideal times. They are a guideline only.

Overtaking on the course: we ask you to always keep to the left. If you need to overtake, firstly check behind to ensure it is safe to do so, then overtake on the right giving a wide berth to the runner in front. When running out to the turn around point (Loop Road) please run on the pavement.

You should of course conform to the rules/regulations of the area in which you live before entering. Wales and England for example have different rules regarding travel, exercise and gathering in groups.

If at any stage before the event you feel unwell and and think you or any of your household are displaying any of the Covid-19 symptoms you must of course self-isolate and not attend the time trial. We will issue a full refund.


For Sat-navs, the postcode is NP16 7HL