
Press coverage

Bloomberg: Provided commentary about Medicare drug-pricing proposals formulated by the current US administration. In “Trump Springs Globalist Surprise With Medicare Drug-Pricing Plan”, 26 October 2018.

El Espectador (Colombia): Interviewed about the start of the project "War and Peace: the Health and Health System Consequences of Conflict in Colombia". In “Nace proyecto para estudiar impacto de la guerra en el sistema de salud colombiano”, 15 June 2018

New Scientist: Research highlighted in “Paying for healthcare benefits only the rich”, 13 September 2012

Bloomberg: Interviewed about my work on universal health coverage and population outcomes, published in The Lancet. In “Universal Health Care Shouldn’t Be Reduced, Lancet Says”, 06 September 2012

Blog posts

American Economic Association: Research highlighted in “When hospitals compete, do patients win?”, 06 May 2016 (summarising my and co-authors’ research paper awarded the AEJ: Economic Policy Best Paper Prize 2016)

AcademyHealth blog: Research highlighted in “Competition matters”, 17 December 2013

The Rockefeller Foundation blog: “Data Makes the Case For Universal Health Coverage”, 08 October 2013