
Rodrigo Moreno-Serra 

Professor of Global Health Economics

Contact Information

Centre for Health Economics

Alcuin Block A

University of York

York YO10 5DD

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)1904 321426  

Email:  rodrigo.morenoserra@york.ac.uk

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New Lancet study on healthcare conditions and financial risk protection among displaced women

I have published a paper in The Lancet Regional Health - Americas assessing healthcare access, care quality and financial risk protection among displaced Venezuelan women living in Brazil. The paper is joint research conducted under the project Redressing Gendered Health Inequalities of Displaced Women and Girls in Contexts of Protracted Crisis in Central and South America (ReGHID), which was funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ES/T00441X/1). You can follow this link to download a free copy of the the paper.