March 2011

March 2011

Dearly beloved in Christ,

For the month of March I am guided to type on the topic CLAY IN THE HAND OF THE POTTER based on the text of Jeremiah 18 as per the Lectionary of 27Th of February, 2011.Ever since I studied the Book of Jeremiah in the Theological Seminary, both theory and practical, this portion has deeply rooted in my mind and molded my life. Practical in this sense that our professor took us out in the village and showed us the potter's hard and artistic work : I also tried to mold a pot but went in vain!

God SAW the clay: a picture of Jeremiah... nation of Israel to whom Jeremiah ministered. And it's also a picture of each one of us.

Potter's WHEEL. going round and round with the clay in it's center. The wheel stands for the circumstances, decisions and values of our lives which are ultimately under the control of the potter. God's desire is to shape us to look more like His Son, Jesus Christ in the way we live our lives.

God is the POTTER in the life of Jeremiah, nation, and in each of our lives. The Potter has absolute right and power over the clay, to shape and mold it into exactly what He wants. 1 Peter 1:14-15 "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you holy, so be holy in all you do." The final outcome will be a person who reflects the Divine Potter's handiwork - in other words, people whose lives reflect Jesus Christ.

In the book of Lamentation "God does not willingly afflicts the sons of men". He takes no delight in it at all. When it is necessary, He brings pressure, molding and shaping the clay of your life, and mine, forcing it into the shape of the vessel He wants it to be - hoping and desiring that the clay will conform. And when it does - when we yield to His touch, He breaths a sigh or relief; "this is enough pressure, I don't have to bring any more". When it doesn't He sighs, "I have to bring even more"

The next time you experience the pressure of the Potter's hand, yield to it by responding - "Thank you Lord, for having a specific plan in mind for my life. What are You calling me to do." The hands that are applying that pressure are scarred with nail prints. Those nail prints came from hanging on a cross; He is our Potter and He proved our importance to God when He died for our sins on Calvary's cross. And that means, that the hands that are bringing the pressure are hands that love you so much that they only want the best for your life and mine.

But some people say why God is interfering in my business. Romans9:20-21"But who are you, Oh man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, why did you make like this? Does not the Potter have the right to make out of same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?" Answer is "Of course, He has!"

People God uses to do His work are people who are...

1. Completely available to Him.

2. Who have a vision for what God can do-not what man can do.

3.Who are willing to let God do the impossible through them.

4. Who handles life's circumstances Gods way.

5. Who have complete faith in God, not in themselves.

6. Who realize the awesomeness and magnitude of God and never assume that position for themselves.

7. Who turn their back on personal pride; and respond to God in humility.

8. Who trust completely in the work of Gods Redeemer Jesus Christ.

9. Who refrain from excuses when God guides them into a task;and who trust in God's providence to work things out, Gods way.

I present a great saint as a role model for you. He is GEORGE MULLER.

GEORGE MULLER(1805-1898) was a Prussian- born English Evangelist and philanthropist. A man of faith and prayer, he established orphanages in Bristol and founded the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and abrod. I recommend his life story for your further search and study how this man of great faith yielded completely in the hand of God to be molded and shaped in God's own way.

Please sing the following four lines:-

Have Thine own way Lord, have Thine own way

Thou art the Potter, I am the clay,

Mold me and make me, after Thy will,

While I am waiting YIELDED and still

May God bless you to submit your life to be used in his mightiy hands. Amen!

With prayers,

Yours in Christ's service,

Rev. V. T. John