December 2011

December 2011

Dearly beloved in Christ,

In December we all celebrate Christmas and have special studies and meditations on the birth of Jesus Christ and the holy family Mary and Joseph. Therefore, I thought of taking the text from 1Samuel Chapter 1:1-Chapter 4.

there are some similarities of the birth of Samuel, his mother Hannah, and her husband Elkana with the Holy Family. Samuel was born in Ramah, few miles North to Jerusalem. To Hannah, God was postponing her child bearing : but she remained steadfast in her faith and confidence for God's timing to bring fulfilment to her life. She never gave up hope. Hannah prayed. She brought her problem honestly before God.Everyone may have times of "barrenness". It is difficult to pray in faith when we feel so ineffective. But as Hannah discovered, prayer opens the way for God to work. Hannah's promise to God was very powerful and meaningful. God took her up on her promise. Although my life problems at many many occasions hitted me hard that I prayed, promised and fulfilled my promise. Yes, prayed, promised and fulfilled!! Praise the Lord!! Never I felt unhappy when I look back of my faith life. It is dishonest to ignore a promise, especially to God. God keeps His promises, and He expects you to keep yours. Please read Judges 11:1-12:7 and study of Jephthah, especially verse 11:35 "...because I have made a vow to the Lord that I cannot break". St.Paul says that he was never disobedient to the heavenly vision.

Hannah returned from the temple with an attractive attitude, because she honestly prayed to God, she recieved encouragement from the high priest Eli and she resolved to leave the problem with God. Hannah gave up what she wanted most -her son- and presented him to Eli to serve in the house of the Lord. Atleast a few people I know who had dedicated their children to God's service, but withdrew from the dedication when they found any attractive position. God honored the desires of faithful Hannah by giving her five more children. "Exceedingly above what we ask" is the way God answers to our prayers.

Samuel said to God "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening"-Samuel did so till the end of his life and he obeyed faithfully. Let us be prepared for the Lord to work at any place at any time. And through any one He chooses.

This news letter of December brings an appeal to you one and all. Please pray for Achen and Kochamma. Now you all know by May 1st 2012 my second retirement will be done. Now a question comes in my mind. WHAT IS NEXT?? Since I have beem listening and obeying the Lord for all these 76 years (completes in December), I should be sure of the next step to be taken. Please PRAY,PRAY,PRAY!

"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective: - James 5:16.

May god bless you! Merry Christmas!!

Your's in the Lord's service, Achen.

Rev. V. T. John