January 2011

January 2011

Dearly beloved in Christ,

The Lord helped us to be His witnesses in 2010 and now we enter into 2011. Let us learn Missionaries' life in a small scale. We can learn much from their

prayer life. In the Gospel of John.14:13 says, "And whatsoever you ask in My

name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son"

We all pray to the Lord, even with fasting, and there are lot of supportive

texts for fasting which I had written beforehand. On Dec. 15th and 16th I took

fasting. Except minimum fruits for all three times a day I took nothing else as

food. This was for a special cause of purification and self examination before I

completed 75 years on 19th. I am grateful for your fervent prayers and supports.

Are we serious of our prayerlife? When we pray for ourselves our aim should not

be for material benifits, although they are needs. Our holy life, fulness of the

Holy Spirit, victory over sin, powerful witnessing for our Lord should be given

as priority. When we pray for others we are mostly concerned about their health,

monitary welbeing, children's education, housing problem, work etc: no? There is

a better face to pray for others including our children, siblings,relatives and others; that is for their salvation or conversion. If at all physical healing is not done spiritual need is a must to enter in heaven and live in with the Lord eternally.

James Hudson Taylor. Born May 21. 1883, Barnsley, England(18 miles South of

Leeds) Died June 3.1905, Changsha, Hunan, China(340 miles North of Canton) Life span 73 years, 12 days.

Hudson Taylor was the most widley used Missionary in China's history. During his 51 years of service there, his China Inland Mission established 20 Mission

Stations, brought 849 Missionaries to the field, trained some 700 Chinese

workers, raised 4 million dollars by faith(following George Muller's example),

and developed a witnessing Chinese Church of 125,000. It has been said atleast

35000 were his own converts and that he baptised some 50,000. His gift for

inspiring people to give themselves and their possessions to Christ was amazing!

Taylor was born into a Christian home. His father was a chemist and a local

Methodist preeacher who himself was facinated by China in his youth. Once at 4

Hudson piped up, "when I am a man I mean to be a Missionary and go to China.

Father's faith and mother's prayer meant much. Before he was born they had

prayed about him going to China some day. However, soon young Taylor became a sceptical and worldly young man. He decided to live for this life only. At 15 he

entered a local bank and worked as a junior clerk where, being well adjusted and

happy, he was a popular teen.

His conversion is an amazing story. When he was 17 years of age he went into his father's library one after noon in June, 1849 in search for a book to read. This

was a barn or ware house adjacent to the house. Finally he picked up a Gospel

tract entitled, "It is Finished." and decided to read the story on the front. He

came upon the expression, "The Finished Work of Christ," Remembering the words, "It is Finished", he raised the question "What was finished?" The answer seemed to fall in place and he received Christ as his Saviour. The same afternoon and time, his mother was visiting some 75 miles away, experiencing an intense

yearning for the conversion of her son, she turned the key in the door and

resolved not to leave the spot untill her prayers were answered. Hours later she

left with assurance. She returned 10 days later and was met at the door by her

son who said he had good news for her! She said, "I know, my boy. I have been

rejoicing for a fort night in the glad tidings you have to tell me." Mother

Tayler had learned of the incident from no human source, but God had assured


See the power and effect of the mother and the Missionary Taylor. He is one of

my heroes in my Missionary services thus far which I thought of sharing with

you. By prayer every thing can be done in His own will. What we need is

obedience to the inner call of the Lord. "And whatsoever you ask in My name,

that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." Your

Comments/criticism invited.

Rev. V. T. John