June 2011

June 2011

Dearly beloved in Christ,

The Diocesan Clergy Conference and the Assembly with the election of Council members for the coming three years have been successfully done in New York under the auspices of the Long Island Mar Thoma Church.

Our Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius presented a pertinent paper in the Clergy Conference of which I feel I should share a part with all my three congregations.

The title is Reformation: An invitation for Sacramentel Living.

"The Reformation event has a very great significance in the identity, vision and ministry of the Mar thoma Church. This unique event cannot be secluded or distanced to a past history but it becomes more meaningful, vibrant and colourful when it becomes an on-going process in the life of the church today."-Zacharias Mar Theophilus Suffragan Metropolitan.

As the Malankara Church is celebrating 175Th year of her reformation, it is befitting that we,reflect on the meaning and relevance it has in our day today living.

1. Reformation is not for the formation of a new church but for transforming the existing church for a fruitful living.

The availability of the Holy Bible in the language of the people that came from the Church Mission Society(CMS) enabled the leaders of the church to look closely into her life and mission. Palakunnathu Abraham Malpan and Kaithayil Geevarghese Malpan felt the need to educate the members of the church to look into their lives and church practices in the light of the Holy Bible.

2. Reformation in worship is an integral part of the church-life and growth.

The church gains vitality and she assumes her growth as members gather together regularly for worship. The gathered community by its regular religious practices turn to liturgical forms of worship for meaning and discipline.

3. Reformation is an invitation for sacramental living

Reformation is not a onetime event; it is a continuous process inviting members to reform their religious practices and to renew their life.

a. At the time of reformation the church took a stand to translate the liturgy from the Syrian language(Syriac) to Malayalam.

b. The reformed church gave the emphasis to studying the Holy Bible and living the Gospel.

c. The reformed Mar Thoma Church is a missionary church.

d. The reformed church is hierarchical in nature and democratic in her administration.

4. The Reformation of the church was to make the church a community for others. jesus Christ lived on Earth as a 'man for others'. Chrysostom Vaiya Metropolitan says:- the church should act as the conscience of the society and also as a social auditor. It is here that we find the relevance of the mission and ministry of the church even on the local level.

Jesus said:-"You are the light of the world", our church forefathers established the motto of the Mar Thoma Church as "Lighted to Lighten". Let us keep the light shining as the church continues to grow, worship and practice a more meaningful and sacramental life. Let us keep the light shining on the occassion of the 175Th anniversary of reformation and remember that the Church is the body of Christ and is established for spreading the good news that Jesus Christ is Savior of the entire world and light to the whole world.

With prayers,

Rev. V. T. John