Alex's Favorite Math Resources
There are lots of miscellaneous math resources below. Many are oriented towards teachers, but students will hopefully find a lot of them interesting, challenging, and mind-opening. These won't necessarily work to replace what is done in the classroom, but hopefully might get you aware of the wonder and beauty of math to provide a bit of reason/motivation behind what you’re doing in the classroom. My kids like watching some of these videos. It gets them intrigued about mathematics, and how math is not just calculation/following rules. There are plenty of traditional resources like khanacademy, aleks, catchup math, kuta, etc, that I could link as well, but those sorts of materials are readily available at school, so I would suggest exploring some of the below resources if you’re looking for something ‘more’. Enjoy.
[have any of these links broken since I uploaded them? please let me know - thanks.]
Our favorite videos
My family's favorite videos
Cedar's favorite. Spinning rocks. link
Owen's favorite. Mile of pi. link
Alex's favorite. Domino computer. link
Erin's favorite. Sum of natural numbers = -1/12 link
Numberphile Classics
Domino addition Cutting a Cake Sum of all natural numbers Infinity
Standup Maths Classics
Build Hexasticks Matchbox learning Brick dominos Bricks stacked Leap Years
ViHart Classics
Hexaflexagons Hexaflexagons 2 Pi is wrong Doodling in math class
Veritasium Classics
Ultrarunning Classics
Emergent Math. link
College Prep Math. link
Interactive Math Program. link
Illustrative mathematics. link
Graphing Stories. link
Geometry Labs. link
Area Maze. link
Planning Guide. link
Statistics in Schools. link
Mathalicious. link
Mathematics Assessment Project. link
Illuminations [membership required]. link
NRICH. link
Robert Kaplinsky. link
Undergroundmath. link
Achieve the core. link
Open middle. link
Youcubed. link
Exeter Problem Sets link
Geogebra. Online geometry construction. link
Desmos. Beautiful online graphing calculator. link
Desmos Teacher. Create interactive activities. link
Desmos Geometry. Online geometry construction. link
Pear Deck. Interactive content delivery, upcoming flashcards. link
Wolfram. Powerful mathematics calculator. link
Plotly. Data visualization tool. link
Socrative. Formative assessment instead of clickers. link
Google forms. Now auto graded. link
Playposit. Embed questions in youtube videos. link
Go Formative. Track student growth over time. link
Quizlet. Flashcards. link
phet. Science and math interactive demonstrations. link
Interpersonal Skills
First day activities. link