For Parents. Advisory FAQ
How to contact me:
Absolute best: alex (dot) robertson (at) bvsd (dot) org I check email many times each day
Second best: school phone: direct line and voice mail: 720-561-8735 I'm rarely at my desk during the school day...good luck!
Why to contact me:
Please get in touch with me if you have general concerns/questions about your student, questions about scheduling classes, Wednesday afternoon activities, registration for classes, credit-earning options, and some college planning questions. I'd be happy to forward you to the right person if you have specific concerns about a class (you or your student could talk to that particular teacher) or challenging college planning questions (talk to Diane or Sophie). Other people that might be able to answer questions that I can't include: Alice (our intervention specialist), Julie (our registrar), and Jennifer (front office and attendance).
Things that your student should be aware of right now:
**9th graders and 10th/11th graders new to NVHS: working on the path towards getting a CE eventually (most new students get a workshop rather than a CE on Wednesday afternoons for their 1st quarter); the importance of taking a variety of classes; things specific to NV-culture such as revisions and planning ahead for projects; how the transition to NV is going (both academically and socially); importance of earning As and Bs
**10th and 11th grade returning students: continuing to explore new and different CEs; making progress towards credit requirements in all disciplines; initial brainstorming of culminating project; alternative credit earning pathways; beginning post-NV planning
**some 11th graders and all 12th graders: culminating project progress and deadlines; post-NV plans; SAT, ACT; staying on track for graduation; ways to get caught up on credit.