Rigidity seminar 2013年7月5日(金)

場所:名古屋大学 理学部A館428


13:00-14:30 近藤剛史(東北大)

Gromov の Wirtinger space と非線形スペクトルギャップ




この講演では非正曲率性の一般化として Gromov が導入した Wirtinger space の 紹介をし、

一部のグラフでは Wirtinger space をターゲットとする非線形スペクトルギャップの シャープな評価が可能であることについて述べる。


15:00-16:30 石田智彦(京都大)

Quasi-morphisms on the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of the 2-disk






17:00-18:30 奥田隆幸(東北大)

Great antipodal sets of complex Grassmannian manifolds as designs with the smallest cardinalities


Antipodal sets of compact Riemannian symmetric spaces are defined in terms of geodesic symmetries.

Chen--Nagano (1988) introduced an invariant ``2-number''on compact Riemannian symmetric spaces

as the largest cardinalities of antipodal sets, and an antipodal set with the largest cardinality is said to be great.

Sánchez (1997) and Tanaka--Tasaki (2013) proved that any two great antipodal sets of a symmetric R-space are congruent.

In particular, great antipodal sets of a complex Grassmannian manifold are unique up to the natural action of the unitary group.

In this talk, we give a characterization of great antipodal sets of complex Grassmannian manifolds

as certain designs with the smallest cardinalities, which are related to harmonic analysis on the manifolds.

This is a joint work with Hirotake Kurihara (Kitakyushu National College of Technology).

19:00- 懇親会

