
Guilène Révauger, MCF - Études du monde anglophone, INSPE La Réunion

My primary interests

Civilization, Commonwealth Studies, British Institutions, Foreign Policy, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Education Systems

English Didactics, Plurilingualism, Contextualization, Teacher Education, Digital Education


    • Révauger, G. (2021). L’enseignement de la civilisation du monde anglophone en cours d’anglais dans le second degré en Polynésie française: pratiques enseignantes et tensions. Contextes et Didactiques, n°18/2021. http://journals.openedition.org/ced/2948

    • Révauger, G. (2020). Dossier I.3, Civilisation Commonwealth (Australie) et dossier III.3, Civilisation Commonwealth (Nouvelle-Zélande). Dans F. Bardet (dir.), Épreuve de composition au CAPES d’anglais. Préparation et sujets corrigés. Session 2021. Paris : Ellipses.

    • Révauger, G. (2019). Dossier 3, Civilisation Commonwealth (Australie). Dans F. Bardet (dir.), Épreuve de composition au CAPES d’anglais. Préparation et sujets corrigés. Session 2020. Paris : Ellipses.

    • Révauger, G. (2019). Quelle formation au numérique éducatif pour les enseignants de langues vivantes ? Retour sur le projet ‘Ia Ora Numérikids. Contextes et Didactiques, n°14/2019. https://journals.openedition.org/ced/1460

    • Révauger, G. (2018). Collectifs enseignants et formation initiale, aux antipodes ? Les Cahiers pédagogiques, n°548, 45-46.

    • Révauger, G. (2015). Cours en ligne et évaluation. Les Langues Modernes, n°1/2015, 84-89.

PhD: The function, power and influence of an agent of British foreign policy : the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (1968-1985)

This research work is devoted to the study of a key British institution, its function and its organization, from the merger of the Commonwealth Office and the Foreign Office in 1968, until 1985.

Of particular interest is the way the changing role of Britain in the world and international conflicts bear upon the functioning and the evolution of the FCO. The point is to assess to what extent the context influences the institution itself.

British foreign policy seems to be mostly determined by the Foreign Secretary and the Prime Minister. It is therefore well worth gaging what the function of the FCO is, and its relationship with the holders of political power.

The role of the FCO as one of the internal and external agents of British foreign policy is assessed here, through three cases: the internal reorganization of the service in 1968, the management of a crisis – the postponements of independence for Guiana from 1953 to 1966, and the failure of a negotiation in peacetime – the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea from 1973 to 1982.

Beyond the internal functioning of the institution, this research work strives to offer an interpretation of the changes. The relationship between the FCO and the holders of political power, the real power and influence of the FCO are under consideration, in particular during key moments of particular significance for the institution.

Keywords: [Foreign Office, Commonwealth Office, FCO, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Foreign Affairs, British diplomacy, institution, organization, merger, British Guiana, Guyana, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, UNCLOS]



Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur



Association pour la Recherche en Didactique de l'Anglais et Acquisition



Association des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes



Centre de recherche en civiliation britannique
