

Plurilingualism refers to the capacity and competence to learn more than one language. It is a term often used to refer to education policies, and it implies linguistic tolerance within individuals and countries.

"Plurilingual and intercultural competence is the ability to use a plural repertoire of linguistic and cultural resources to meet communication needs or interact with other people, and enrich that repertoire while doing so." (Guide for the development and implementation of curricula for plurlingual and intercultural education, Council of Europe, 2016)

Multilingualism & Plurilingualism

In the CEFR, plurilingualism refers to the linguistic competence of an individual and mutilingualism refers to the linguistic diversity of a geographical region.

However multilingualism can also refer to the ability to speak many languages proficiently (though not necessarily perfectly). Thus multilingualism is also used to refer to linguistic diversity of both an individual and a geographical region.



Éveil aux langues et initiation à l'intercompréhension

Je vous propose une activité pour découvrir plusieurs langues via la comptine "Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds." La première page est celle de l'activité, la seconde comprend correction et analyse. L'activité est plutôt conçue pour le cycle 3 même si elle est adaptable.

Chasse aux trésors linguistiques sans outils numériques

Voici une idée de continuité pédagogique sans outils numériques. Eveil à la diversité linguistique. Pour éviter de mettre sa maison sens dessus dessous il vaut mieux prévoir un temps court pour la phase une, ou cibler la recherche d'objets!

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

La comptine en anglais

Upoko, pakahiwi, puku, hope, Waewae!

La comptine en māori

Ede, sikoo, kini, futu

La comptine en langue bushinenguée est ICI. Cette comptine était proposée par le Casnav Guyane, GRAC St Laurent, mais le site semble clos.

O Sol.pdf


Cette fiche autour de la chanson "O Sol" de Vitor Kley est conçue pour les lycéens. Vous y trouverez une activité à effectuer à l'aide de LyricsTraining, et une réflexion sur les mots transparents et l'intercompréhension.


A self-study free booklet FOR TEACHERS by the British Council

Want to know more about purposeful code-switching, translation, translanguaging and bilingual learning ?

This booklet is organized in three parts.

  • Part 1 focuses on relevant research evidence. "An important objective of this resource is to provide information that can contribute towards ‘informed’ decisions for educational change that can advantage all students."

  • Part 2 presents 12 projects to try and answer questions such as “How do we strike the right balance?” "How to implement multilingualism ?" "How do we do it ?"

  • Part 3 lists resources for further exploration

A Guide by the Council of Europe , aimed primarily at PERSONS IN CHARGE OF CURRICULA

2016. Jean-Claude Beacco, Michael Byram, Marisa Cavalli, Daniel Coste, Mirjam Egli Cuenat, Francis Goullier, Johanna Panthier.

"This Guide is designed to encourage the global, explicit and convergent consideration of the language of schooling and the other languages taught and used at school as well as the promotion of cross-cutting elements that help interlink the different kinds of language teaching. It proposes practical approaches to developing curricula, illustrated by scenarios and other devices."