Key Note

Andrew clark

"Fasten your seatbelts! The consequences of economic insecurity"

Andrew Clark holds a PhD from the LSE. He is CNRS Research Professor at the Paris School of Economics, and previously held posts at Dartmouth, Essex, CEPREMAP, DELTA, the OECD and the University of Orléans. His work has used job and life satisfaction scores, and other psychological indices, as proxy measures of utility. His research has addressed relative utility or comparisons (to others like you, to your partner, and to yourself in the past), and the use of long-run panel data in collaboration with psychologists to map out habituation to life events (such as job loss, marriage, and divorce). Recent work has used birth-cohort data to trace out the relationship between family background and childhood events, on the one hand, and adult outcomes (including those pertaining to subjective well-being), on the other. In addition to his Paris position, he holds research associate positions at the London School of Economics, IZA (Bonn), Kent Business School and the University of Luxembourg. He has acted as referee for 220 different journals across the Social Sciences and is an ISI Highly-Cited Researcher.