
Organising committee 2020

Áine Doran (Main point of contact for 2021)

Anne Devlin

Chandril Ghosh

Haicheng Jiang

Homer Wagenaar

Laura Wurm

Scientific committee

The scientific committee consists of PhD students that will review the incoming papers. What does membership of the scientific committee involve? After the deadline in January we assign papers as much as possible in line with the interests and skillset of each member of the scientific committee. Each member is expected to review about three to four papers of 4000-6000 words between the end of January and first two weeks of February. The review consists of a score ranging from one to four (1: best paper candidate, 2: accept, 3: maybe accept, 4: reject), along with a short explanation. It is a great opportunity to gain experience in reviewing, and nice addition to your academic CV.

Scientific Committee of 2020:

Jiafu An (University of Edinburgh)

Andrea Benecchi (University of Glasgow)

Christian Bittner (Goethe University Frankfurt)

David Bogle (Queen's University Belfast)

Hamideh Mohtashami Borzadaran (University of Birmingham)

Alexander Collins (University of Amsterdam)

Anne Devlin (Ulster University)

Duy Tan Do (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Wenxiao Dong (University of Nottingham)

Áine Doran (Queen's University Belfast)

Wannaphong Durongkaveroj (Australian National University)

Minyou Fan (Queen's University Belfast)

Maggie Fok (Warwick Department of Economics)

Chandril Ghosh (Queen's University Belfast)

Arpita Ghosh (University of Leicester)

Shiqi Guo (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies , Geneva)

Yan Hu (CEMFI)

Wenjiao Hu (University of Nottingham)

Liu Jiadong (Queen's University Belfast)

Haicheng Jiang (Queen's University Belfast)

David Jordan (Queen's University Belfast)

Suzanna Khalifa (Aix Marseille School of Economics (AMSE))

Xiaoran Liang (University of Bristol)

Gabriele Lucchetti (University of Nottingham)

Chloe McCallum (Queen's University Belfast)

Ana Moura (Tilburg University)

Huyen Nguyen (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Keerti Pendyal (Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India)

Nicholas Stenner (Oxford University)

Michael Vallely (University of Glasgow)

Stavros Vlachos (Queen's University Belfast)

Homer Wagenaar (Queen's University Belfast)

Jiaxuan Wang (University of Bristol)

Laura Wurm (Queen's University Belfast)

Yang Yue (University of Bristol)

Jingmin Zhu (University of Birmingham)