Why do lips thin with age?


Over time, the lips’ volume and natural connective tissue depletes, leaving a thinner, flatter appearance.

Wrinkles and fine lines compromise their smooth look, and the vermillion borders and Cupid’s bow become less defined. Around the mouth, the area between your upper lip and nose can become flattened, and the corners of the mouth may turn downward, creating a tired, aged appearance.

Our products provide full, soft, natural looking lips and can be used to smooth fine lines and enhance the mouth area as well as the lips. It is gentle, with an added anaesthetic for the most comfortable treatment experience possible.

Treatment helps fight the signs of aging, by addressing the lips’ texture and smoothness and filling the lines and wrinkles caused by smoking and pursing your lips over time, and by adding volume for a fresh, natural, and reinvigorated look.

Know more: https://www.regentstreetclinic.co.uk/lip-fillers/