FREE aesthetic consultations at Regent Street Clinic

This is a common presentation to facial aesthetics clinics, with most people attending for “botox”. This lady is not a good candidate for wrinkle-relaxing treatment alone using a toxin.

The lines immediately above the eyebrows are too close to the brow and there is significant volume loss in the skin, suggesting that the skin has probably not been maintained optimally over the years and raising the risk of complications, including brow heaviness and even ptosis (dropped eyelids).

Managing patient expectation is everything.

This lady was recommended to consider other (additional) options to rejuvenate the skin.

All patients attending Regent Street Clinic receive a thorough 45 minute facial and lifestyle assessment before we decide whether they are a good candidate for treatment, whether the expectations are realistic and whether any treatment at all is in the patient’s’ best interest. This is an essential of good medical practice.

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