The Procedure of Dermal Lip fillers in Derby

Our doctors have over 20 years’ experience in lip augmentation procedures and offer a subtle plumping of lips to leave a full-bodied, youthful appearance.

Our experience: In our experience, the vast majority of people are looking for a gentle re-volumisation of lips that may have thinned with the passage of time.

We use Juvéderm Ultra Smile, a product that we have achieved excellent results with, and a lip filler that contains a local anesthetic to minimize discomfort during the procedure. It comes in a 0.55ml syringe and we are careful to make sure the treatment is likely to give a pleasing aesthetic result and that each client's expectations are realistic.

There are two parts of each lip that can be injected - the actual lip BODY and the outer rim, known as the VERMILLION BORDER.

Our doctors and aesthetics co-ordinators will work out, with you, depending on the look you wish to achieve, which parts of the lip would benefit most from treatment and how much lip filler is likely to be needed to achieve the desired result.

Please remember that after treatment there is ALWAYS some swelling of the lips, therefore the lips will initially look bigger than the final result once the swelling has subsided a couple of days later.

The procedure: First, the doctor will take pre-treatment photographs of the lips and will then clean the area to be treated.

Juvéderm ULTRA SMILE is formulated with added lidocaine for added comfort, but the doctor will also choose to use additional topical anesthetic cream to ensure the most comfortable treatment possible (we use LMX4 cream).

As the anesthetic takes effect you are likely to feel numbness and a bit of tingling in the area that has been treated—similar to when the dentist numbs your teeth.

The actual treatment takes roughly 15 minutes. The exact injection technique will depend on the type of results you’re hoping to achieve. The doctor may massage the treatment site to make sure the Juvéderm ULTRA SMILE is properly distributed and the results are even.

The doctor may also apply ice to your treatment sites for a few minutes to help minimize swelling, inflammation, and bruise.

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