Overview - Anti-Ageing Facial Aesthetics

Dermal fillers are a multi-functioning treatment and can be used reduce deep lines and wrinkles, fill hollows and smooth the contours as well as adding or restoring volume to areas of the face such as lips or cheeks.

At around the age of 25, the body stops producing collagen and elastin, the two proteins that work together to keep tissue firm and skin elastic, and the existing collagen in the body begins to break down. Without these two proteins, the body begins to display the typical signs of aging (things like sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, deep lines, and wrinkles) as the body no longer has a means of keeping tissue strong and skin supple.


Anti-aging facial fillers are a non-surgical solution to achieve younger looking skin and smooth tired lines and wrinkles, providing natural-looking rejuvenated outcomes.


The majority of brands are made from hyaluronic acid. We use Juvéderm which gives an excellent natural rejuvenating result.


1.     Immediate results - see the benefit immediately.


2.     Single treatment - all done within half an hour.


3.     Minimal downtime - continue with your day as normal.


4.     Minimal swelling or bruising usually - can be covered with make-up.


Lasts 6-18 months depending on the product used and site of treatment.


Content source: http://www.regentstreetclinic.co.uk/facial-aesthetics/4579645844